The Economics Business Faculty at Udinus Hosts an International Seminar, Pushing Students to Be Critical Regarding the Role of Accounting


The Economics Business Faculty at Udinus Hosts an International Seminar, Pushing Students to Be Critical Regarding the Role of Accounting


The Accounting Department in the Economics and Business Faculty at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) held an international seminar with the theme of ‘Accounting Research for Sustainability Performance of Company in the Digital Era.’ The seminar encourages students to be more critical to the role of accounting in supporting the sustainability performance of companies amidst the opportunities and challenges in the digital era.

The seminar was participated by hundreds of students from three different countries, including the UK, Malaysia, and Indonesia. The event was held online using the Zoom Meeting platform, attended by students from Essex University, UK, Multimedia University (MMU), Malaysia, and Udinus.

During her opening speech, Dr. Retno Indah Herawati, S.E., M.Si., the Dean of the Economics and Business Faculty, expressed her appreciation to students for participating in the seminar. “I hereby thank the speakers for sparing their time to speak in this webinar. The learning materials will be a valuable lesson for these students from three different countries,” she uttered. Dr. Retno also hoped for students to learn from this webinar to face economic challenges, which have become complex over the past several years.

The seminar featured three speakers, including Fitra Rohman Cahaya, S.E., M.Kom., Ph.D from Essex University, Enny Susilowati Mardjono, Ph.D., from the Economics and Business Faculty at Udinus, and Dr. Siti Zakiah Bt Melatu Samsi, the Dean of the Business Faculty at MMU, Malaysia. In addition, Prof. Abdul Halim, MBA, Akt., the Head of the APSAAI of Indonesia, also made an appearance.

The Vice Chancellor IV of Research and Partnership Affairs at Udinus, Prof. Dr. Pulung Nurtantio Andono, S.T., M.Kom., was also present and advised students to actively engage in a discussion session with the speakers. He emphasized the importance of their activeness to develop their understanding in a scientific discussion.

“I hope students can explore the lesson taught by the speakers and actively participate in the discussion,” Prof. Pulung uttered.

With this seminar, participants are expected to understand the challenges faced by accountants in supporting the sustainability performance of companies, particularly in the rapidly advancing digital era.