Belmawa Visits the PPKO Team of DPM of the Computer Science Faculty at Udinus, Highlighting the Seven Literacy Corners in Jatimulyo Village

Belmawa Visits the PPKO Team of DPM of the Computer Science Faculty at Udinus, Highlighting the Seven Literacy Corners in Jatimulyo Village

The Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs (Belmawa) conducted a visitation on Tuesday, October 15, 2024. The visitation highlighted the Student Organization Capacity Building Program (PPKO) in the form of ‘Seven Literacy Corners. This program was designed by students at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) for Jatimulyo Village.

The program has been running for four months and has pushed Jatimulyo Village to be a digital literacy-based smart village. The PPKO Program was initiated by 15 students from the Student Representatives in the Computer Science Faculty (DPM FIK) at Udinus.

The village, situated in Demak Regency, is known for its local businesses, but with several predicaments, including the lack of knowledge concerning financial matters, graphic processing skills, and public speaking skills.

During his interview, Dimas Haydar Anandatama, the Head of the PPKO Team of Student Representatives in the Computer Science Faculty at Udinus, explained that the ‘Seven Literacy Corners’ covered various sectors, including MoneySpent Literacy (Financial), KreatifGrafis (Graphic Processing), Speakup (Communicating), DigiTech (Digital Technology), HealthCare (Health), EcoLife (Waste Management), and MarketSense (Digital Marketing).

“Those ‘Seven Literacy Corners’ were designed to resolve numerous issues in Jatimulyo Village, from technological to medical literacies,” he explained.

At the visitation, Belmawa had the opportunity to directly see the implementation of the PPKO program conducted by the Student Representatives in the Computer Science Faculty at Udinus. The assessor from Belmawa also interviewed several locals and officials of Jatimulyo Village.

Heru Pramono Hadi, S.E., M.Kom., the Supervising Lecturer of the PPKO Team, added that the program aimed to encourage the locals to come up with innovations that would empower the village.

“Hopefully, this program can lead significant changes to occur in Jatimulyo Village, particularly relating to improving the literacy and digital competence of the locals,” Heru uttered.

Meanwhile, Anggi Maulana, an assessor from Belmawa, directly reviewed the implementation of the ‘Seven Literacy Corners.’ According to him, the PPKO Team had fulfilled their proposal for the program.

“From this visitation, I see the potential of their program, as it aligns with the locals’ necessities. This is a crucial point, as the goals are written in their proposal,” he uttered. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)