The Student Executive Board at Udinus Hosted an Interactive Dialog, Featuring Two Semarang Mayoral Nominee

The Student Executive Board at Udinus Hosted an Interactive Dialog, Featuring Two Semarang Mayoral Nominee

Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) through its Student Executive Board (BEM-KM) hosted the Interactive Dialog Vol. 3 featuring two mayoral nominees of Semarang. The event was hosted in the form of a discussion and presentation, with 350 representatives from various organizations at Udinus attending it. The dialog took place in the auditorium located on the third floor of the E building on Saturday, October 26th, 2024.

The speakers were two mayoral nominees who would soon be elected at the 2024 Semarang Mayoral Election in upcoming November. They were featured to present their visions and missions in developing the city, as well as share their organizational experiences both within the scope of campus and the public.

The event was directly opened by Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom., the Chancellor of Udinus, who warmly welcomed both nominees. According to him, this discussion was important to provide students with ideas about these nominees’ visions and missions relating to education, particularly higher education.

“The attending students were representatives of all 17 thousand active students at Udinus, encompassing leaders and vice leaders of organizations on campus. Hopefully, these students can put this opportunity in their favor to engage in a dialog with these mayoral nominees, allowing them to learn something new,” he revealed.

Meanwhile, Falih Patria Fatahilah, the Student President at Udinus for the 2024/2025 period, explained that students attended this dialog with enthusiasm, as many of them asked questions to both nominees, who will potentially be a mayor of Semarang for the 2024-2029 period.

“This interactive dialog program is among routine agenda conducted by the Student Executive Board at Udinus. This event is a discussion form between students and relevant speakers.

Visions and Missions in the Education Sector

The interactive dialog is divided into two sessions, which allows both nominees to state their visions and missions. They also answered numerous questions asked by activists from Udinus.

During the first session, Dr. Agustina Wilujeng Pramestuti, S.S., M.M., stated in her presentation concerning visions and missions that the cost of education must be adjusted with the student. So long as the student is registered as a Semarang citizen, they will be granted scholarships wherever they study at, improving the prosperity of teachers or lecturers.

“Currently, the Ministry of Education is under a new management, and there will also be some form of evaluation, including the zoned system. In my opinion, this system must be revised to align with the current era of advancements,” Agustin explained.

The second mayoral nominee, Alamsyah Satyanegara Sukawijaya, S.E., M.M., or Yoyok Sukawi, offered the pre-work program for Semarang citizens. According to him, the government must support fresh graduates from various levels of education in garnering work experience.

“There are differences between campus life and work life, so there should be a transition period where the government helps these fresh graduates gather experiences before pursuing their careers,” Yoyok emphasized.

At the end of the event, Yoyok also took the opportunity to see one of the innovations invented by Udinus, namely, the Plastic Paving Blocks. The innovation was made by lecturers and students of the Engineering Faculty at Udinus. The Paving Blocks utilize processed plastic waste as their main materials, then the plastic is turned into paving blocks using the device also invented by Udinus.

The innovation has been used in various regions since April 2022. For example, the blocks were used to decorate a park in the Krobokan area, West Semarang. In addition, Udinus also once developed asphalt made of plastic, which was used by the Pendrikan Kidul area at the beginning of 2020. The asphalt was made of 444 tons mixed with 1.6 tons of processed plastic waste. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Humas Udinus)