Sendang Sikucing Village, Rowosari Sub-district, Kendal Regency, has the potential in the maritime sector, with 1,647 tons of salt-water fish sales. However, the Bidikmisi and KIP Student Community (Kamadiksi) at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) found several predicaments concerning the production and marketing of these marine products.
The problems faced by the local fishermen scope the decrease in quality of fish not sold at the Fish Bidding Center (TPI), which would result in a loss of profit. In response to this issue, the Kamadiksi Team through the Student Organization Building Program (PPKO) hosted a training program for the fishermen in Sendang Sikucing Village. The program aimed to improve the marine products’ quality and expand its market reach.
The Leader of the Kamadiksi PPKO Team, Muhammad Argya Safa Firdaus, explained that the program was a continuation of their proposal entitled ‘Sea Cottage: an Economic Development of Sendang Sikucing Village Through Processed Fish Products to Achieve the Maritime Village Excellence.’ For four months, the team has conducted numerous training programs involving technology and innovations relating to fish production. Argya also added that the team also provided a training program, involving how to process the marine products, including packaged fish fillets, dahfa fish products, and fish sausages, which aligned with the quality standard of the current market.
‘Our team has also introduced an innovative drying device that would simplify the production process without relying on the weather. With this, the fishermen won’t have to wait for it to get dry to dry their fish,” he added.
In addition to teaching how to process the fish, the team also provided a training program relating to entrepreneurship and digital workshop marketing to improve the fishermen’s capacity to market their products. “With this training program, the fishermen are expected to maximize the economic potential of Sendang Sikucing Village. Thus, the village will achieve excellence as a maritime village,” Argya uttered.
Etika Kartikadarma, M.Kom., the Supervising Lecturer of the Kamadiksi PPKO Team, emphasized that the training program would be conducted intensively. The team itself used the learning-by-doing approach, allowing the fishermen to earn practical skills independently.
“I hope the training provided by the PPKO team will be able to improve the capacity of the fishermen, both novices and experienced ones,” she hoped.

Meanwhile, a representative from the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs, H. Anggi Maulana Rifqi, Lc., M.A., also appreciated this program. According to him, his visitation to Sendang Sikucing Village was a pleasant experience. The collaboration between the Kamadiksi PPKO team and related institutions was also deemed excellent, particularly in the Maritime and SME Sectors. Anggi also emphasized the importance of sustainable support from related parties to ensure the success of this program in the future.
“Related institutions have clearly shown their roles, and we hope this collaboration will continue for the good of the people,” he concluded.
The PPKO Program Conducted by the Kamadiksi Community at Udinus is expected to push Sendang Sikucing village to be an excellent maritime village by utilizing its marine potential to its optimal extent. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus).