Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) is once again trusted to be the host of the 2024 Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) of the Student Organization Building Program (PPKO) Visitation. In this program, four student organizations at Udinus have passed to the next stage to show their commitment to empowering the public.

The event was held in the meeting room on the first floor of the H building at Udinus, Semarang, on Monday, October 15th, 2024. The monev was attended by numerous representatives from various universities in Central Java. The student organizations at Udinus that passed to the next stage are Kamadiksi, the Information Systems Student Association, the Computer Science Faculty Student Representatives, and the Student Executive Board of the Computer Science Faculty. The PPKO program is designed to build the capacity of a student organization by involving them in a community service program.

Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M., the Vice Chancellor III of Student Affairs, expressed her pride in the trust put by Belmawa in Udinus. According to her, Udinus's involvement as a host could serve as a step to bond with other universities.

“We are proud of the trust put by Belmawa to us as the host of this program. This shows that Udinus has gained an everlasting trust from Belmawa,” she revealed.

Furthermore, Kusni also highlighted the accomplishments achieved by student organizations at Udinus. Kusni revealed that 14 student organizations at Udinus received funding from the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs (Belmawa).

“Four of which passed to the awarding stage. Hopefully, our students can keep pursuing this program and serve a purpose to the public,” she added.

H. Anggi Maulana Rizqi, Lc., M.A., one of the assessors of this Monitoring and Evaluating event, expressed his appreciation to Udinus for hosting this event. According to him, this event opened the opportunity to conduct a full-scale assessment of all involved universities. “Today, we have assessed all aspects of this program, including the universities, program supervisors, and the PPKO teams. We wanted to ensure that everything written on the questionaries aligned with the reality,” he explained.

Anggi also praised the facilities provided by Udinus during the event. According to him, Udinus was very welcoming, allowing him and his team to run the event cozily.

“Hopefully, this visitation fulfilled everyone’s expectations. With this event, the PPKO program is expected to further strengthen the involvement of student organizations in empowering and providing their services to the public,” he concluded.

Four student organizations at Udinus that passed to the next stage are the Kamadiksi Organization with its proposal entitled ‘Sea Cottage: an Economic Development of Sendang Sikucing Village Through Processed Fish Products to Achieve the Maritime Village Excellence.’ Meanwhile, the second team, the Information Systems Student Association at Udinus, came up with a proposal entitled ‘The Digitalization and Optimization of the Waste Bank Through the Alignment of the Waste Management Supply Chain to Improve the Well-Being of the Locals of Tugurejo.’

The third team, the Student Representatives of the Computer Science Faculty at Udinus, also submitted its proposal entitled ‘The Literacy Evolution to a Smart Village: The Social Community Competence Empowerment through the Utilization of the Sapta Method at the Literacy Corner in Jatimulyo Village. Lastly, the fifth team, the Student Executive Board of the Computer Science Faculty, also passed to the next stage, with its proposal entitled ‘The Sustainable Tourism Development Through the Tourist Village based on Smart Tourism Using the Pentahelix Method as an Effort to Improve the Local Income.’ (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)