Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) officially held the grand launching of the Independent Entrepreneurship Program as a platform to train future entrepreneurs in Indonesia. Udinus was trusted as one of the 38 Implementing Universities in Indonesia.
The grand launching took place on the third floor of the E building at Udinus on Wednesday, October 10th, 2024. It was attended by numerous prominent figures and participants of the Independent Entrepreneurship Program at Udinus. The theme of the event was ‘Precision Smart Technopreneurship.’
On that occasion, Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom., the Chancellor of Udinus, officially launched the program. The procession was witnessed by Dr. Rindra Yusianto, M.T., (the Head Committee of the Independent Entrepreneurship Program at Udinus), Adrian Bany Kansil (the Head Initiator of the Independent Entrepreneurship Program from the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Research), and Suto Sugiharjo, S.Kom., (a Representative from the Higher Education Service Institute of Region VI)
During his opening speech, the chancellor stated that this program not only aimed exclusively at students from Udinus but also universities or campuses as well.
“This is a contribution from Udinus in providing an innovative learning space outside of regular lectures. By hosting this program, we are committed to pushing students to improve their competence to be excellent human resources. Students are expected to utilize this opportunity the best they can,” Prof. Edi uttered.
On that occasion, the chancellor, majoring in the field of technopreneurship, explained the general knowledge of technopreneurship, which aligned with the theme of the program.

In his report, Dr. Rindra Yusianto, the Head Committee of the Independent Entrepreneurship Program at Udinus, explained that the theme of the program put a heavy emphasis on establishing technology-based businesses. The program in particular would focus on two different approaches, namely, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Business Intelligence.
“The Independent Entrepreneurship Program aims to change students’ mindset in running a business. We will do this by providing them entrepreneurial competence, allowing them to make a rough prototype for their businesses,” Dr. Rindra emphasized.
Dr. Rindra added that this was the second time Udinus was chosen as an Implementing University. Through this experience, it is evident that there have been numerous students from Udinus who have successfully established their businesses.
“Several of our students have also often won in various entrepreneurial competitions. In addition, Udinus has also produced other technology products, which are currently being further developed by our students,” Dr. Rindra added.
The Independent Entrepreneurship Program is an initiative step from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. This program is aimed at students of various degrees, including Diploma, Applied Diploma, Undergraduate, and Postgraduate students.
To participate in this program, students must at least be in their third semester. Furthermore, students also must fulfill the administration requirements by submitting the necessary documents and files, as stated on the official website of the Independent Entrepreneurship Program.
Adrian Bany Kansil, the Head Initiator of the Independent Entrepreneurship Program, appreciated Udinus as one of the Implementing Universities. According to him, the technopreneurship proposed by Udinus was very effective in providing students with entrepreneurial competence.
“The Independent Entrepreneurship Program run by Udinus with its technopreneurship concept is a good way to push students to become young entrepreneurs. As for the outputs and management, Udinus has also done well in these departments,” he uttered.
The Independent Entrepreneurship Program is expected to make a significant contribution to encouraging the young generation to create innovations by utilizing advanced technology.
Usai launching, seluruh peserta mendapat kesempatan mendengar pemaparan dari berbagai narasumber sukses di ranah kewirausahaan. Seperti Owner Rocket Chicken, Nurul Atik, CEO dan President SMES pack Hendriansyah, dan Managing director Startup Campus, Rea Qianthara Dikatio. Serta masukan langsung dari salah satu Supervisor WMK Kemdikbudristek, Dr. Sulistyowati, S.S., M.Hum. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)