A team of researchers from the Indonesian Tobacco Control Research Network (ITCRN) collaborated with Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) to conduct an audience with the E Commission’s Chief of Central Java’s Regional Council, dr. Messy Widiastuti, M.A.R.S. The audience was done to present the results of research concerning the reception and utilization of the Excise Funds from the Tobacco Commodity (DBHCT) for the well-being of tobacco factory workers in Central Java.
The audience aimed to reinforce the policy recommendation, which would support the well-being of workers in the cigarette industry.
This research was a collaboration between the Economics and Business Faculty and the Health Science Faculty at Udinus. The research team consisted of Juli Rahmawati, S.E., M.Si., as the leaders, and Widya Ratna Wulan, S.KM., M.Km., and Aprianti, S.KM., M.Kes., as the members.
On that occasion, the team disseminated their research results to the E Commission Chief, who looked forward to listening to their research results. The E Commission’s Chief of the Central Java’s Regional Council, dr. Messy Widiastuti, M.A.R.S., revealed that it was necessary to strengthen the synergies between the regional government, cigarette companies, and related organizations.
“These synergies are needed to ensure that workers in the cigarette industry will receive optimal benefits from this program. We are committed to supporting the attempts to improve the well-being of these workers within the cigarette industry in Central Java,” she explained.

Juli Ratnawati, S.E., M.Si., the leader of the research team, hoped for this audience to open the opportunity of collaboration, particularly between Udinus and the Central Java Regional Council, as well as other research institutions. This particular step aims to search for proper solutions to positively impact the well-being of the workers within the cigarette industry in Central Java.
“Hopefully, this attempt can serve as an initial step in improving the benefits of the Excise Funds from the Tobacco Commodity (DBHCT) for the workers. Thus, the excise funds can be more slightly focused on the public welfare,” she concluded. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Dok. Tim Peneliti)