Communication Science students at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) visited 23 high schools in Semarang to conduct a communication campaign. The campaign was an output of the Public Relations , which was hosted from November 18 to December 2, 2024.

The main theme of this event aligned with national digital literacy, namely, ‘Indonesians Go Digital,’ with four different topics. These topics aimed to improve the digital skills of the public, which encompass digital skills, digital culture, digital safety, and digital ethics. 

Heni Inrayani, M.I.Kom., the Instructor of the Public Relations Ilkom Udinus, Heni Indrayani, M.I.Kom., mengungkapkan bahwa kampanye komunikasi menjadi luaran wajib. Khususnya untuk mata kuliah Public Relations class, revealed that the campaign was obligatory for students, particularly for the Public Relations class. However, each group would be assigned to different themes.

“This campaign is a tangible step conducted by students as the Unmute Generation, involving students of the Public Relations class. They will play a role in teaching high school students to understand technology, as well as how to utilize technology for productive, ethical, and responsible purposes,” Heni enlightened. 

“This campaign is expected to improve students’ communication skills and compassion with others, as well as responsibility. This activity would also hone their competence in Public Relations ,” she explained. 

High School Students as the Agents of Change

Heni also stated that high schools were chosen as the place of this campaign, as high school students are generally in their transition phase into adulthood, which, in turn, would also need digital literacy. Many people of their age range are active users of digital technology. However, high school students generally possess little to no understanding of the productivity, security, and ethical aspects of digital technology.

“In addition, they are also digital natives, who have the biggest potential to be agents of change in their respective communities. They also have the opportunity to contribute to creating a digital ecosystem with minimal negative impacts. These negative impacts encompass misinformation, cyberbullying, and data abuse,” Heni exclaimed.

This Public Relations Communication Campaign is also a part of a bigger event, namely the 2024 Ilkom Festival. The materials of this campaign would later be showcased and competed at the festival. It will take place from December 5 to 6, 2024. This festival is hosted to further amplify the impacts of the campaign. (Humas Udinus/Ika. Foto: Dok. Ilkom Udinus)