Khamadi, the Department Head of Visual Communication Design at Udinus Kediri, Focuses on Encouraging Students to Garner More Accomplishments 

Khamadi, the Department Head of Visual Communication Design at Udinus Kediri, Focuses on Encouraging Students to Garner More Accomplishments 

Khamadi, S.Sn., M.Ds., has always been invested in the academic field, particularly as a teacher. However, his hardships and dedication have led him to achieve something greater, namely, a lecturer at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) Kediri. 

Through his credibility as a lecturer, Khamadi earned the trust of the Head of the Visual Communication Design Department at Udinus Kediri. According to him, he had learned much from his colleagues and seniors, and he even gained ties with several professionals from the industrial partners. 

“Throughout my career, I have interacted with many students to discover creative ideas for me to bring into reality,” Khamadi, born in 1990, stated. 

Khamadi has been a lecturer at Udinus since 2011, but at that time, he was merely a tutor. Two years later, in 2013, he began his lecturing career on campus, which makes it 11 years’ worth of career as a lecturer. Currently, his career has reached a whole new level as a department head.

His journey as a department head was not an easy one, as he was expected to lead the newly formed department. As a way to improve the quality of the department, he said that both students’ and lecturers’ skills were the most important factor. 

“Currently, I’m focusing on improving the service for students to accomplish both through academic or non-academic means. I also intend to involve students in various activities involving the department to improve their soft skills,” he uttered.

Khamadi has also come up with various innovations, including a competence-improving event outside of the regular lectures. This event is entitled KOBER, which is a monthly seminar. This seminar allows students to discuss various matters with expert speakers. Khamadi also provides a platform for students to showcase their art through the Semester Exhibition, as well as an instructing session for students who participate in particular competitions.

Reasons for Choosing the Field of Visual Communication Design

Khamadi, who is fond of athletic activities, stated that his reason for pursuing the Visual Communication Field was because of his passion. In addition, he is also interested in the creative nature of this field. The Visual Communication Design Department also produces workforces based on the current creative competence needed by the industry.

“The job prospect provided by the Visual Communication Design Department at Udinus Kediri aligns with professions needed by the public, including content creators, illustrators, graphic designers, animators, photographers, and videographers,” he explained.

Furthermore, he stated that even though AI is among the biggest challenges, the department would always emphasize that working professionally is among the main principles of working.

"In addition to hard skills, the department also provides students with soft skills through classes, such as professional ethics, career instructing, internship programs, and nationally standardized competence tests,” Khamadi concluded. For additional information, Khamadi was also once a supervising lecturer in the Student Organization Capacity Building Program (PPKO) and won fourth place in the Most Collaborative team in Jember 2023. (Humas Udinus/Ika. Foto: Humas Udinus)