The Health Science Faculty at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) collected a wide range of accomplishments at the Indonesia Public Health Olympiade (IPHO). These accomplishments were mainly earned by Public Health students at Udinus. The IPHO itself was hosted in Samarinda, East Kalimantan, on Thursday, November 7th, 2024.

At the Olympiade, five teams and two individuals from Udinus competed against students from across the nation. These teams had previously undergone an online selection process, which would later lead them to present themselves before the judges in the FKM Building of Universitas Mulawarman.

In the contest, a team led by Magumi Avrora Iftita, a Public Health Student at Udinus, won first place in the Student Entrepreneurship Category, with her team, namely, Bandeng Asap Cair. She was accompanied by other three students, including Angeline Dayatri Wulan Datu and Joseph Lampa Tuerah. In the same category, a team from Udinus led by Deswita Erviani also won third place, with her team named Deswita Make Up consisting of Della Risqi Riza Saputri and Misakon Hilda as its members.

Magumi Avrora Iftita also won fourth place in the Accomplished Public Health Student Nomination category. In the scientific essay category, Dea Zevita Kumala Sari and Dea Garnita Putri also managed to get their hands on fourth place. A team from Udinus led by Karunia Aryaputra also secured fifth place in the Information Systems Planning category, with her teammates consisting of Agdhan Ferdian Gumelar and Sella Monika.

One of the contestants from Udinus, Magumi, expressed her pride and joy for her own effort in upholding the reputation of the Health Science Faculty at Udinus in a national event. Moreover, she was also able to garner two different accomplishments concerning entrepreneurship, which aligns with the campus’ visions.

“To me, being nominated as among the Accomplished Public Students was satisfying enough, and gave me a load of experiences. This is because I got to finally compete against students from public universities. Hopefully, this contest will be able to push me further and motivate other students to also seek accomplishments,” Magumi uttered.

In addition, a team from Udinus led by Geraldinho Laurensius Tokan also managed to place itself as a favorite contender in the National Health Education Video category, with Azhar Tegar Aldina and Tiara Nazwa Syahira being its members. In the TikTok Education category, a student from Udinus, Rahma Sintya Ningrum, was able to gain a place as a favorite contender.

Support from Lecturers

As additional information, the IPHO is a prestigious event dedicated to public health students. Employing the theme of ‘Professional Education for Public Health Professionals,’ this is the third time the IPHO has been held. It is mainly organized by the Indonesian Higher Education of Public Health Institution Association.

DR. Eti Rimawati, S.K.M., M.Kes., the Public Health Department Head at Udinus, expressed her pride in the accomplishments garnered by her students. According to her, these accomplishments showed that Udinus could support its students to be accomplished in various fields.

“These accomplishments were also the products of support from the lecturers, and I hereby show my appreciation to every party involved. Hopefully, these accomplishments would also motivate other public health students to also look for accomplishments,” she concluded. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Dok. Pribadi)