The Economics and Business Faculty students at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) were encouraged to learn what it meant to be leaders. To support this goal, the Student Executive of the Economics and Business Faculty held the Basic Student Management Training Program (LKMM-TD) 2024.
The training was participated by 310 students of the Economics and Business Faculty. This program is an annual training program of the Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Economics and Business Faculty at Udinus. It employed the theme ‘Develop Creative Thinking to Increase Self-Potential in the 5.0 Era.’ It was held on the third floor of the E building at Udinus from December 14 to 15, 2024.
Naila Syakirotul Rizqiyah, the Committee Head of the 2024 LKMM-TD, explained that the theme aimed to push students to develop their personal skills to thrive in the 5.0 era. This will allow them to discover their self-potential and strong leadership spirit to be applied in the realm of professionalism.
“Through our speakers, students learned things concerning constructing early ideas, positioning work plans and committees. Following that, students also learned administration and motivation, as well as developing a work program. Furthermore, students also took a note about proposal and hosting an event,” she explained.
The learning materials were delivered by three speakers, including Prof. Dr. Dra. Kusni Ingsih, M.M.—the Vice Rector III of Student Affairs, Dr. Retno Indah Hernawati, S.E., M.Si. —the Dean of the Economics and Business Faculty, and Dr. Machmu, S.E., M.M., the Head of the Management Department at Udinus.
Retno Indah, who also presented the opening speech, hoped for students to use this program to its fullest extent. This is because students can learn management skills, and leadership skills, and garner experience that will eventually help them in the realm of professionalism.
“This insight will later be applicable in their studies and careers in the professional world. We will always support LKMM-TD to be routinely held every year,” the dean concluded, (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Dok. BEM FEB Udinus)