Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) has shown its global dedication by having its Economics and Business Faculty partner with the ASEAN Accounting Education Workgroup (AAEW). This collaboration also supports the Tri Dharma Philosophy, which includes universities’ involvement in research, community service, and authoring, particularly accounting books.
The partnership between the two parties was marked by the signing of the MoU at a campus in Bali. Indonesia was a host for an event held by the AAEW. With a partnership contract lasting for the next four years, Dr. Retno Indah Hernawati, S.E., M.Si.—the Dean of the Economics and Business Faculty at Udinus—was present at the agreement of the partnership, alongside Prof. Dr. Rozainun Haji Abdul Aziz PMK CA (M)—the President of the ASEAN Accounting Education Workshop (AAEW).
The dean explained that Udinus had the opportunity to partner with the AAEW, as it is an Excellent-accredited university, with an excellent reputation. In detail, the partnership also scoped various aspects of the education sector, including research and community service.
“The partnership also includes exchanging guest lectures and conducting community services. Through this collaboration, the Economics and Business Faculty at Udinus, particularly the Accounting Department, will have a platform to perform an international partnership," she explained.
“Hopefully, this international connection will be utilized to its fullest by both Undergraduate and Postgraduate Accounting Departments at Udinus to show their contributions to the accounting sector in Southeast Asia,” Retno emphasized.
In addition to the agreement, there was also an international conference at the same time. The conference was participated by students and faculty members from the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Accounting Departments at Udinus. The conference also involved participants from other countries, including the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Cambodia.
Best Paper in the Accounting Management Category
At the conference, two Postgraduate Accounting students from Udinus successfully garnered an award for their best papers. These students were Nela Nehayati with her paper entitled Transfer Pricing Decision Analysis Based on Bonus Mechanism, Tunneling Incentives, and Meditating Role of Tax Minimisation. The other student was Fathimah with her paper entitled Leverage and Tax Planning Drive Earnings Management: a Modern Role of CGC.

At the time working on their papers, both students received instructions from the dean and Enny Susilowati Mardjono, S.E., M.Si., Akt., Ph.D., CA., CFMA., ASEANCPA—the Head of the Postgraduate Accounting Department.
On a separate occasion, Enny shared that both students won the Best Paper predicate in the Accounting Management category at the conference. One of the research in this category explores international financial management focusing on increasing the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) through export values.
“Transfer pricing in this research aimed to see if there is a form of tax minimization. It also aims to assess profit sharing in the Good Corporate Governance management (GCG). This will allow how a corporation can last in the long-term,” she explained.
Enny also added that the other best paper focused on studying the profit management of companies in the Indonesian Stock Exchange. The research explores the differences between the perspectives of corporations and the government as an institution demanding tax.
“It is important to note that taxation has many sets of rules, and there will be a gap used by corporations in avoiding taxes. Through this paper, we are committed to implementing the proper profit management. This is done to emphasize that there are dissents among corporations and the government,” Enny uttered. (Humas Udinus/Haris/Foto: Dok. FEB dan Humas Udinus)