The Film and Television Department at Udinus Hands Its Microlearning Videos to the Ministry of Education

The Film and Television Department at Udinus Hands Its Microlearning Videos to the Ministry of Education

Since 2023, the Film and Television Department at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) has been trusted to work with the General Directorate of Teacher and Educational Instructors from the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia. The department is trusted as a producer of microlearning videos for the Independent Teaching Platform (PMM), which is usually accessed by teachers. This production process is a part of the Self-management Program Type III or Program Swakelola Tipe III

The videos were symbolically handed by Dr. Ruri Suko Basuki, M.Kom., the Head of the Film and Television Department to Dr. Kasiman—the Director of Principals, Superintendents, and Educational Instructors Association. On that occasion, Dr. Kasiman was accompanied by Prof. Nunung Suryani, who is from the General Directorate of Teachers and Education Instructors. The event took place at the Pakons Prima Hotel, on Thursday, November 11th, 2024.

The video handover symbolized that the work entrusted to the Film and Television Department at Udinus has successfully been done and is ready to use. This means that the microlearning videos have been uploaded to the Independent Teaching Platform (PMM). The videos are now accessible by principals, teachers, and other educational instructors in Indonesia. At the handover, there were 56 videos produced by Udinus in 2024, which helped teachers learn through the PMM platform. 

Dr. Ruri Suko Basuki, M.Kom., stated that the videos were produced as a part of the Self-management Microlearning Video Production Program. This program is a form of partnership between the government and private universities without any tendering process. He further explained that the self-management program in essence was a process conducted by the government to involve other parties in helping a project through a direct showcasing process. This program was conducted under the terms and conditions of the National Public Procurement Agency (LKPP).

“Basically, if the government partnered with private universities in finishing products like these micro-learning videos, the private university would have to possess sufficient resources. This implies that the Film and Television Department at Udinus has been considered a good partner for this project,” he explained. 

Collaboration Between Students and Lecturers

Furthermore, Ruri explained that the 56 videos were divided into three different categories, encompassing Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3. Type 1 videos were produced in talking head and illustration formats, Type 2 videos were produced in an animated format, and Type 3 were produced in a drama format. 

“These three video types were worked by our lecturers as leaders, with our students partaking in the pre-production, production, and post-production stages. One of the videos we produced concerned mentoring. This topic mainly consists of coaching materials for teachers to be better mentors for their students,” Ruri uttered.

According to him, this partnership was an excellent program from the Ministry of Education to improve the competence of teachers, principals, and other educational instructors in Indonesia. In addition, this partnership was also a perfect opportunity for Udinus to show its competence to its students, particularly in the industry, because the videos would later be used by various institutions and the general public.

“This means that the Film and Television Department at Udinus has shown that its students fulfill the curriculum outputs or the targeted outcomes. This project can also serve as a portfolio for our department, which will take the Film and Television Department to a new height,” he concluded. (Humas Udinus/Ika. Foto: Dok. FTV Udinus)