Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) is famous for its technological field. This is supported by the technological innovations produced by Udinus, encompassing the Electric Pedicab, the Gamelan Robot, the Chess Robot of Udinus Campus (Rocaku), and Melanveer. These innovations also reflect their impacts on society in addition to the technological excellence possessed by the campus.

Through its immense contributions to creating impactful technological innovations, Udinus successfully garnered an award at the 2024 Satria Brand Award. Udinus, which is famous for its technological excellence, received an award for the Best University with Technology and Innovations. The 2024 Satria Brand Award itself was hosted at the Tentrem Hotel Semarang, on December 6, 2024.

Prof. Dr. Pulung Nurtantio Andono, S.T., M.Kom., the Vice Rector IV of Research and Partnership Affairs at Udinus, expressed his pride in the award the campus earned at the end of 2024. According to him, the award could not have been earned without the hard work of the whole academic community at Udinus.

“I hereby express my appreciation for awarding our campus as the Best University with Technology and Innovations. We will always hold our commitment to coming up with more innovations, not only for the campus but also for the good of the general public. In the near future, we shall push our students and academicians to produce more relevant innovations,” Prof. Pulung uttered.

Meanwhile, as cited from Suara Merdeka Online, Kukrit SW—the CEO of Suara Merdeka—explained that the Satria Brand Award was an event hosted to appreciate various institutions contributing to the development of Central Java, particularly from the economic standpoint.

“This is the twelfth year of the Satria Brand Award. As far as I know, this is the only award show in Central Java with the consistency in appreciating accomplishments and contributions showed by institutions to the development of Central Java and its people,” Kukrit uttered.

With this award, Udinus becomes more focused on emphasizing itself as a technology-based campus, with excellent regional and global contributions, in addition to its academic excellence. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)