Toward the end of 2024, the Industrial Engineering Department at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) achieved a glimmering accomplishment, an Excellent Accreditation. The accreditation was earned from the Independent Engineering Study Program Agency (LAM Teknik) and the Accreditation Board for Engineering Education (IABEE).
The international accreditation was bestowed upon the department with the “Accredited” status in March 2024, as stated in certificate no. 000138.A. Meanwhile, the Excellent accreditation was given by LAM Teknik in December 2024, as stated in decree no. 0695/SK/LAM Teknik/AS/XII/2024.
Ir. Heru Agus Santoso, Ph.D., IPM., Asean Eng., the Dean of the Engineering Faculty, explained that achieving these accreditations was a distant process. The department has been preparing since 2021 to make the Industrial Engineering Department earn excellent accreditation and international recognition.
He added that these accreditations were integrated with various funding programs from the government, including the Independent Campus Competition Program (PKKM) and the Matching Fund Kedaireka. The participation of the department in these programs allowed the department to achieve IKU 8, which is a score for a study program with international recognition. The outcome based education (OBE) curriculum has also been tested and approved by IABEE in 2021. Thence, the Industrial Engineering Department earned the Provisional Accreditation.
“With these programs, we managed to advance per our planned roadmap and earn both Excellent and International Accreditations at the end of 2024,” Heru continued.
IABEE itself has been awarded with full signatory by the Washington Accord for Indonesia. IABEE has also been recognized as an International Accreditation Board in the Engineering, Technology, Informatics, and Computation sectors by the government. This is stated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology under the decree no. 236/O/2024. On the other hand, the excellent accreditation from LAM Teknik serves as a way to ensure the quality of engineering education in Indonesia. This means that the engineering department with Excellent accreditation, which is the highest accreditation, tends to have more competent graduates.
Heru also highlighted that the international accreditation earned by the Industrial Engineering Department at Udinus also gave global recognition to its students. The Engineering Faculty at Udinus also provides Diploma Supplement to its graduates. Furthermore, Heru added that the Diploma Supplement was also given to graduates, which is integrated with Outcome-based Education (OBE), consisting of students’ portfolio from the start to the end of their studies, including their competence.
“If an academic transcript shows their courses, then the learning outcome transcript complements the competence possessed by students per the OBE-based curriculum. This diploma will benefit students, especially our students who pursue their careers at a global company that recognizes our international standards,” he added.
Meanwhile, Dr. Herwin Suprijono, M.T., the Head of the Industrial Department at Udinus, revealed that the department was committed to improving the quality of its curriculum to align with international standards. He also expected this accreditation to garner public trust in the Industrial Engineering Department.
“In the future, we will add more learning depths, particularly in courses relating to project-based learning. It is certain that through these accreditations, many more students will continue their studies here at the Industrial Engineering Department,” he stated optimistically.
With these Excellent and international accreditations, the Industrial Engineering Department at Udinus has further established its position as one of the best engineering departments in Indonesia. Furthermore, the department also recently received an award at the 2024 Industrial Engineering Award, which was hosted by the Indonesian Engineer Association. This also shows the Udinus’ tangible commitment to providing high-quality education competing on the international level. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)