The usage of QRIS (Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard) has seen a major improvement over the past several years. Nandha Adhi Purusa, S.E., M.E., a faculty member from the Economics and Business Faculty at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), highlighted the importance of user awareness in using the QRIS service.

 He explained that the prominence of the QRIS service showed that the public had fully trusted the digital payment method. Nandha revealed that QRIS had seen a major increase in users by 217 percent compared to last year. However, this increase in users must also hold the possibility of scams.

“To put in perspective, from the data provided by the Indonesian Bank, from August 2023 to August 2024, the users of QRIS increased by 217 percent. This means that QRIS users have increased more than two-fold. This indicates that the public has grown their trust in QRIS and become accustomed to this service,” Nanda revealed.

Not only that, he also highlighted the decrease in transactions using ATM services, which reportedly decreased by 6 percent at the same time. This indicates that the public has become more accustomed to digital payment methods than conventional ones.

“Nowadays, many ATMs are closed due to this decrease in transactions. Meanwhile, QRIS always sees an increase in users, without any major decrease over the years. However, this also means that users must be more cautious when using QRIS,” he added.

Nanda explained that one of the riskiest aspects of using QRIS was the potential scams by manipulating the QR code. Knowing this, he gave several tips to maintain safe transactions using QRIS.

“First, we must check that the QRIS username matches the name of the merchant. In addition, check the nominal before conducting the payment,” he explained.

Nanda, who was also a lecturer in the Undergraduate Management Department at Udinus, also added that it is also important to always check the notification to ensure the transaction is successful. According to Nanda, QRIS held the potential to support Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), as well as expand the inclusion of finance in Indonesia. However, educating the public in using QRIS safely and wisely is still the main priority.

“These steps will help minimize the risk of scams that often occur from the mismatch of nominal transactions. QRIS is undoubtedly an excellent payment solution, but we must also be cautious and careful in using it,” he concluded.

As additional information, Nanda also warned students to always be cautious about using QRIS for their daily needs, particularly within the campus environment. 

“Students must be more careful and thorough, as small mistakes like not checking the name of the merchant or the transaction nominal will inflict big impacts. Thus, be a smart and responsible QRIS user,” he concluded.