Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Board for Human Resources Development at the Ministry of Industry. This partnership aimed to improve the quality of HR in the industrial sector through various strategic programs.
The MoU was signed at an event entitled Idea Incubator Development and Entrepreneurship Advancement (IDEA) EXPO 2024, on December 18, 2024. On that occasion, Udinus was represented by Prof. Dr. Pulung Nurtantio Andono, S.T., M.Kom., the Vice Rector IV of Research and Partnership Affairs at Udinus. In addition, Udinus was also the only university to sign a memorandum of understanding with various domestic and international companies at the event.

The expo featured several technological works based on robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) from Udinus. The IDEA Expo was attended by various domestic and international companies, as well as local SMEs, showing extensive enthusiasm toward the development of HR in Indonesia.
Prof. Puling stated that this partnership aligned with Udinus’ vision of contributing to the development of Indonesian human resources.
On that occasion, he revealed that the agreement entailed several programs in the fields of education, research, and community services. These programs are designed to support the Golden Indonesia 2045 mission. He also added that the collaboration would utilize advanced facilities at Udinus, including the robotics lab, CNC, and the 3D technology.
“Our labs are willing to support the development of human resources based on advanced technology that will be relevant to the future industry’s necessities,” he added.
Ir. Heru Agus Santoso, Ph.D., IPM., ASEAN Eng., the Dean of the Engineering Faculty at Udinus, also emphasized the importance of collaboration between Udinus and the Board for Human Resources Development at the Ministry of Industry. According to him, universities played a strategic role in utilizing advanced technology, like AI and robotics.
“This partnership shows that Udinus can compete on national and international levels,” the dean uttered.
According to Heru, there are many study programs or departments at Udinus that had been accredited as excellent, particularly in the Engineering and Computer Science Faculties. The Engineering Faculty itself has recently earned both Excellent and international accreditations. The agreement also showed that Udinus was worthy enough to be trusted by the Ministry of Industry as a strategic partner in evolving HR.
“This is a plus point in responding to the necessities of global industries. This collaboration does not only concern technology but also educational ecosystem relevant to the current development in general,” the dean concluded, (Humas Udinus/Alex, Foto: Humas Udinus)