Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) was trusted by the Traffic Corps of the Police Department to be the Campus Pioneering Traffic Safety (KPK). The event also involved students as ambassadors of traffic safety. It took place on Thursday, December 12th, 2024.
The event took place in the auditorium located on the third floor of the E building at Udinus. The procession was opened by Commissioner Arman Achidiat, S.I.K., M.Si—the Directorate Head of Educational Division at the Traffic Corps of the Police Department. The opening speech also featured Prof. Dra. Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M—the Vice Rector III of Student Affairs—representing the Rector of Udinus.

Symbolically, the Pioneer of Traffic Safety title was bestowed with the handover of the Charter and Plaque of the title. The handover was carried over by Commissioner Arman Achdiat, S.I.K., M.Si. The Charter and Plaque were received by Prof. Supriadi Rustad, M.Si.—the Vice Rector I of Academic Affairs at Udinus—on behalf of the rector. On that occasion, he was accompanied by Dr. Guruh Fajar Shidiq (the Vice Rector II of General and Financial Affairs) and Prof. Dra. Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M., (the Vice Rector III of Student Affairs).
During her opening speech, Prof. Kusni explained that the commissioner was given the alma mater jacket as a form of symbolic gratitude to the commissioner for bestowing Udinus the Pioneer of Traffic Safety title. In addition, some students were also bestowed the title of traffic safety ambassadors. The title was bestowed by giving them pins symbolizing the title on their alma mater jackets.
“All 250 participants declared their pleads to create to hold the Road Safety Zero Accident principles. This is the second time Udinus has been trusted by the Traffic Corps. Hopefully, our appointed ambassadors can be pioneers in encouraging the public to uphold traffic safety.,” Prof. Kusni explained.

Raising Traffic Safety Awareness
Furthermore, there were also lecture sessions presented by expert speakers in an attempt to raise awareness about traffic safety. One of those speakers was Commissioner Arief Bahtiar, S.IK., M.M. On that occasion, he delivered a presentation about the Ethics of Traffic. The other speaker was Dr. Ir. Alfa Narendra, S.T., M.T., an expert in transportation, who presented the topic concerning Traffic and Its Problems.
Meanwhile, Commissioner Arman Achdiat revealed that Udinus was the last campus in the series of visitations conducted by the Traffic Corps of the Police Department in 2024. The visitation program involved 17 campuses from Indonesia to educate students concerning the importance of traffic safety.
“It is also important to note that traffic is like the veins of our lives. According to the study we conducted, college students are among the demographics with the highest tendency to be involved in traffic accidents. For that reason, we hereby ask our chosen traffic ambassadors to raise public awareness about traffic safety,” the commissioner explained.

There was also a session discussing what to do if students encounter a traffic accident. The session was delivered by Dr. Nikmah Rochmawati, M.Si., a psychologist and the Vice Chief of the Psychologist Association of Central Java. Meanwhile, A. A. Ngurah Yudi Sudarman, S.E., M.M., a representative from PT Jasa Raharja, was also present to explain the duties and roles of PT Jasa Raharja company. The event was concluded with a practical demonstration of accident victims shown by the Medical Team from the Health Service of Semarang led by Wisnu Wardana, S.Kep., Ns. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Humas Udinus)