Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) once again held the 2024 Creanovative to push students to initiate their entrepreneurial journeys. The event featured a total of 44 stands or booths managed by students along the D building courtyard at Udinus, on Wednesday, December 12, 2024.
The booths were presented by students who took the Basic Entrepreneurship and Startup Business courses, with their products being creative objects, applied technological innovations, and food products. The event would last for two days from December 18 to 19, and it featured many products, including technology, food products, and other innovative products.

Prof. Dr. Dra. Kusni Ingsih, M.M., the Vice Chancellor III of Student Affairs at Udinus, officially opened the whole procession. During her opening speech, Prof. Kusni expressed her appreciation to students for showcasing their products and conducting market validation. According to her, Creanovative proved that Udinus had mentored its students to express their entrepreneurial passions.
“The tangible proof of this event’s success is the fact that the government trusts Udinus in hosting the Independent Entrepreneurship Program. The program has run for two years now with billions rupiah of funding to support the prominence of young entrepreneurs in Indonesia, Prof. Kusni explained.
Not only did the event feature an expo, but there was also a unique judging process, with many faculty members disguising themselves as normal visitors to assess the products offered by students. The results will be processed by the Entrepreneurship unit at Udinus, and the winner will be announced on the second day of the expo.

Dr. Nila Tristiarini, S.E., M.Si., CSRA., the Head of the Entrepreneurship Unit at Udinus, explained that Creanovative was an event simulating the nature of competitive entrepreneurship. This expo is expected to be an initial step in pushing students’ entrepreneurial passions to their limits.
“Through Creanovative, students will get tangible experience as an entrepreneur. So, this expo will serve as a particular platform for them to learn how to face challenges in the business world,” Dr. Nila uttered.
The 2024 Creanovative does not only serve as a competition but also a platform for students to collaborate and learn. At the expo, students are encouraged to innovate and prepare themselves as the young generation contributing to the economic growth in Indonesia. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)