Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) keeps its commitment to expanding its relations to the international scale. Recently, Udinus partnered with the Chinese Road (Hong Kong) Co, Ltd., which is a prominent company in Chinese Language Learning, to improve students’ Chinese language competence.
The beginning of the partnership was marked with a Memorandum of Agreement signed on Tuesday, December 10, 2024, in the H building at Udinus.
The Memorandum of Agreement was signed by Prof. Dr. Pulung Nurtantio Andono, S.T., M.Kom.—the Vice Rector IV of Research and Partnership Affairs at Udinus, and Guo Xinlin—a representative from the Chinese Road (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.
During his opening speech, Prof. Pulung stated that Udinus greatly welcomed the partnership with the Chinese Road (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd., with open arms. According to him, excellent partnerships were needed to prepare students to face global challenges.
“The Chinese Road (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd., will help our students learn the Chinese language. This is because this specific competence is necessary for their future careers in the industry, particularly in the global industry,” Prof. Pulung revealed.
The partnership is expected to expand itself for other forms of collaboration, including internship or job opportunities in China and even a student exchange program with partners’ universities in China.
“We aim to get our students to be competitive in the global job market. Hopefully, this is the beginning of a collaboration with immense benefits for both parties,” Prof. Pulung uttered.

Improving Global Competitiveness
The partnership aims to provide a platform for students to learn the Chinese language as a way to improve their competitiveness in the global job market. This partnership program will later be designed comprehensively, allowing students to master the Chinese language quickly.
Guo Xinlin, the Director of the Chinese Road (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd., expressed his hope to further hone the partnership with Udinus. Furthermore, he also expressed his joy for the newly-established partnership with Udinus, which is among the prominent universities in Indonesia.
“Hopefully, this collaboration will later serve as a gateway for students to understand and learn the Chinese language more deeply and open their new career opportunities on a global level,” Guo Xinlin hoped.
“With this partnership, Udinus will show its deepest commitment to producing excellent workforces, particularly those with international insight and competitiveness. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)