Sahana Pramukti – Industrial Engineering Student at Udinus
The desire to understand and seek new knowledge was among many reasons an Faculty of Engineering student of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), Sahana Pramukti in collaborating with faculty members to collaborate. Since October 2024, Sahana has actively involved herself in various research projects.
“As far as things go, I have been involved in eight research projects. One which was published in an international journal. While the others are still being curated,” she explained.
Her contribution to various research included handling administration, questionnaires, gathering and processing data, as well as drawing graphics and flowcharts. Sahana, who is a junior student, stated that her involvement in these projects started when a faculty member, Dr. Ratih Setyaningrum, M.T., IPM., ASEAM Eng, invited her.
“It started with her offering students this opportunity. At that time, it was a semester break so I decided to accept the offer to keep myself occupied. Since then, Dr. Ratih always invites me to conduct group research projects,” she uttered.
In addition to Dr. Ratih, Sahana also had various experiences conducting research projects with Prof. Kusmiyati, ST., MT., Ph.D., IPM. The projects were related to practical work projects, integrated projects, and final projects, which would discuss algae cultivation.
Sahana claimed that there were many impacts she felt after conducting research with faculty members. For example, during researching algae cultivation, Sahana could learn the biology of algae, and improve her data analytical skills. These data were mainly the results of experiments.
“This allows me to improve my skills to identify trends, correlations, and patterns within data. It also allows me to synthesize information from various sources and write it in the format of a scientific article. I also gathered an immense understanding of gathering and analyzing data, as well as writing a report,” she highlighted.
Excellent Collaborative Atmosphere at the Engineering Faculty at Udinus
According to Sahana, the Engineering Faculty at Udinus held a supportive environment for its students. There are many collaboration opportunities opened to both students and faculty members. Every student had the same opportunity to participate in research projects, publications, and other activities.
“Whenever we gathered, our faculty members always conducted a transparent and open communication to share ideas and questions. They also appreciate and notice students’ accomplishments and contributions. In addition, the Engineering Faculty also provided the necessary resources and support to facilitate effective collaborations,” she admitted.
In the future, Sahana hoped to further contribute to more projects, as she could benefit others through these projects.
“Hopefully, I can someday help my friends who conduct similar research or even share my information with theme, so that they can have a reference in their research,” she concluded. (Humas Udinus/Ika. Foto: Dok. Pribadi)