To commemorate the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Month, which lasted from January 12 to February 12, 2025, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) hosted a webinar entitled ‘Reducing Electrical Hazards, Enhancing Electricity Productivity.’ The event was initiated by the The Engineering Faculty at Udinus, involving the National Electricity Company and the IEEE Student Branch at Udinus, on Monday, February 10, 2025.

The event was participated by hundreds of Engineering students at Udinus, through the Zoom Meeting platform. It aimed to raise students’ awareness about OHS, particularly in academic circles and workplaces. 

The Dean of the Engineering Faculty at Udinus, Ir. Heru Agus Santoso, Ph.D., IPM., Asean Eng., during his opening speech, emphasized the importance of implementing OSH in various aspects of life, including on campus, workplaces, and the public. Safety in implementing OSH must also be prioritized.

“In an academic setting, be it online or offline, OSH must also be an object of attention. Even more so when students conduct an internship program, as they particularly engage in a professional workplace. For that reason, they must understand full well the principles of OSH,” Heru uttered.

As the main speaker, Suparje Wardiyono, the Manager of UP3 Semarang UID in Central Java and Yogyakarta, explained the electrical system adopted by the National Electricity Company (PLN), including how electricity is channeled to people. The electricity system adopted by the PLN is an integrated system, encompassing power, transmission, and distribution. 

“These three components are crucial to ensure the electricity can properly be channeled to people. Currently, the National Electricity Company has used various energy sources, like solar, water, and geothermal reactions to improve efficiency and the sustainability of electricity,” Suparje explained.

The Potential Danger of Electricity

Meanwhile, Ragil Prasetyo, the Team Leader of K3L and KAM at ULP of South Semarang Subdistrict, discussed the potential danger of electricity and its prevention. According to him, there are many factors that can potentially cause the danger in electrical network. 

“These dangers encompass tall trees and buildings that can overlap and even touch the electrical network. Furthermore, there are also kites, balloons, or even tall floods that touch the electrical wires. We have made many efforts to reduce the risks, including conducting a socialization campaign through social media, schools, and government institutes,” he explained.

The National Electricity Company also encouraged students to be agents and take part in reporting dangerous conditions relating to electrical installation, including tilted utility poles or electricity abuse. With this collaboration, the OHS implementation is expected to be more optimal to support national productivity. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)