The Diploma of Medical Records and Health Information Department at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) Semarang held a community service program (PKM). The program involved faculty members and students, and was conducted at the Limpung Regional Public Hospital, Batang Regency, Central Java, on Friday, February 7, 2025.
The program was attended by 15 medical professionals from the Limpung Hospital, particularly medical recorders. There were eight faculty members involved at the training program, and each of them delivered different materials and was divided to several groups. The program was opened with an opening speech from the Head of the Medical Records and Health Information Department at Udinus, DR. Dr. Zaenal Sugiyanto, M.Kes.
During his speech, Zaenal stated that the training program aimed to improve the competence of medical recorders at the Limpung Hospital.
“We have the commitment to sharing our knowledge and practical experiences with medical recorders at the hospital. Utilizing information technology in medical services is important in improving the efficiency and security of patients’ data,” he uttered.
The training program was delivered in the form of Workshop, Discussion, and Consult, making it only lasted for a day. At the program, there were four groups comprised of lecturers of the Medical Record and Health Information at Udinus, presenting various topics.
The first group was directly led by Dr. Zaenal, and it mainly discussed issuing death certificates per the standard issued by WHO. Meanwhile, the second group comprised of Faik Agiwahyuati, S.Kep., M.Kes., and Suyoko. And.RMIK., M.H., with the topic being techniques of medical records documentation as media of communication for medical professionals at medical facilities.
The third group consisted of Arif Kurniadi, M.Kom., and Oki Setiono, M.Kom., discussing personal data protection and cyber security for electrical medical recorders. The last group was comprised of Maulana Tomy Abiyasa, A.Md PK., S.K.M., M.Kom., and Retno Astuti, S.S., M.M., with their topic of discussion being releasing medical information in protecting health information.
A Platform for Lecturers to Share Knowledge
Zaenal added that through their learning materials at the training program, medical professionals at the Limpung Hospital were expected to understand the importance of skills and literacy, particularly in maintain electrical medical records. The training program also served as a platform for lecturers and students in showcasing their knowledge.
“Our program was a way for our lecturers to directly contribute to the public, allowing them to not only share their knowledge to students but also to those who make changes in the society,” Zaenal highlighted.
On a different occasion, dr. Resti Kurniawati, the Head of the Medical Services Division at the Limpung Hospital, expressed her appreciation to lecturers and students from Udinus for their efforts. According to her, the training program had benefitted their medical professionals in maintaining medical records in the hospital.
“This is indeed an excellent and insightful program for our medical professionals. We hereby express our gratitude to the community service team at Udinus for holding this training program,” she concluded. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas FKes Udinus)