Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) received a visitation from Universitas Sapta Mandiri of South Kalimantan with the aim to conduct a comparative study and improve the academic quality of both institutions. On that occasion, Udinus provided several tips in writing and improving the quality of a scientific journal. 

The visitation took place on the first floor of the G building at Udinus. It was hosted as a discussion session. This visitation served as a moment for both institutions to deepen their insight, share experiences, and improve the quality of their partnership, as it was among the tenets of the Tri Dharma philosophy.

The representatives from Universitas Sapta Mandiri were greeted by Prof. Dr. Pulung Nurtantio Andono, S.T., M.Kom., the Rector of Udinus. He was accompanied by Prof. Dr. Supriadi Rustad, M.Si. —the Vice Rector IV of Research and Partnership Affairs of Udinus, and Dr. Dwi Eko Waluyo, M.M., —the Head of the Partnership and International Affairs Agency at Udinus.

On behalf of Universitas Sapta Mandiri, Abdul Hamid, S.Kom., MM., M.Kom.,—the Rector of Universitas Sapta Mandiri—was present. The rector was accompanied by H. Munisih, S.Pd., M.M., —the University Head Senate, Budi Riyanto Prabowo, S.Pd., M.Kom.,—the University Secretary, Muhammad Muhajir, S.Pd., M.T.,—the Vice Rector I, Adieb Mursyada, S.P., M.M.,—the Vice Rector II, and Desak Putu Butsi Triyanti, S.AP., M.AP.,—the Vice Rector III.

The Rector of Udinus stated that his commitment was to establish an academic ecosystem focusing on research and innovation. He emphasized that scientific journals of a university would directly impact the international reputation of said university.

“These reputations can be embodied by a ranking system. Recently, we have earned a position on the QS World University Rankings. To earn a place on an international ranking system, academicians from a certain university must collaborate with international academicians,” he explained.

A Campus with Excellent Reputation

Meanwhile, the Rector of Universitas Sapta Mandiri admitted that Udinus was chosen as a place to conduct a comparative study, as it holds an excellent reputation in management. In addition to the discussion session, they also saw several facilities at Udinus, including several innovations like the The Sekar Nuswantoro Gamelan Robot.

“We hereby expressed our deepest form of appreciation to Udinus for warmly greeting us. This comparative study does not only enhance our bonds but also provide an opportunity for both institutions to partner in the future,” he uttered.

Through that visitation, both institutions also agreed to conduct more partnerships in the form of an education program to improve the Human Resource quality. It would work by providing a platform for faculty members from Universitas Sapta Mandiri to continue their studies at Udinus. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)