The Engineering Faculty at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) partnered with a company producing medical devices, PT Sinko Prima Alloy. The collaboration with the Biomedical Engineering Department at Udinus was signed to form a curriculum aligning with the Realm of Industry and Business.
The partnership was marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) between both parties. The procession took place in the conference room on the first floor of the I building on Tuesday, March 11, 2024.
On behalf of Udinus, the signing was conducted by the Dean of the Engineering Faculty, Heru Agus Santoso, Ph.D., while Director Aditya Thamrin signed the agreement on behalf of PT Sinko Prima Alloy. The procession was witnessed by the Vice Dean of the Engineering Faculty, Dr. Ratih Setyaningrum, M.T., the Head of the Biomedical Engineering Department, Dr. Aripin, M.Kom., and the Partnership Coordinator of the Engineering Faculty, Ir. Pramudi Arsiwi, S.T., M.Sc., IPM, ASEAN Eng, and other staff members from both parties.

The dean stated that the partnership was expected to develop a downstream program for prototypes of medical devices. In addition, the dean also hoped for this collaboration to produce a curriculum that links and matches with the Realm of Industry and Business, particularly for both faculty members and students of the Biomedical Engineering program.
“We will monitor and evaluate this downstream program periodically. Thus, should we ever encounter a problem, we could fix it immediately,” Heru uttered.
The Scope of Partnership
Meanwhile, the Head of the Biomedical Engineering Department, Dr. Aripin, M.Kom., explained that the focus of this partnership was composed of education, research, and community services. In its early stage, there would be a visitation and industrial internship for Biomedical Engineering students at PT Sinko Prima Alloy.
“This partnership also serves as a way to improve the capacity of our department so it can contribute more to the development of medical devices. This will ultimately result in us producing medical devices with our partners,” Aripin uttered.
The Director of PT Sinko Prima Alloy, Aditya, looked forward to partnering with Udinus. According to him, Udinus was among the universities in Indonesia with a commitment to improving its curricula.
“Hopefully, this partnership could allow talented students from Udinus to contribute to the development of medical devices that can benefit the public,” he concluded. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Humas FT Udinus)