The Medicine Faculty at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) has been field assessed, particularly its Doctor Profession Education Department. The department was assessed by a group of assessors from the Institute of Higher Education Independent Accreditation for Health Science (LAM-PTKes). The assessment lasted for four days, from March 19 to 22, 2025.

The assessors were warmly welcomed by the Rector of Udinus, Prof. Pulung Nurtantio Andono, S.T., M.Kom., who was accompanied by the Head of the Dian Nuswantoro Foundation—Lakshiputri Arnindita, S.Sos., M.M., the Chairman of the Dian Nuswantoro Foundation—Tri Rustanti, S.E., M.M., and the Head of the Senate at Udinus, Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom.

From the Medicine Faculty at Udinus, the assessment was attended by the Dean of the Medicine Faculty—Dr. dr. Hendriani Selina, Sp.A(K)., M.A.R.S., with her two vice-deans. In addition, the faculty members and the whole academic community of the Medicine Faculty were also present.

During his opening speech, the rector explained that the assessment aimed to directly review the condition of the Medicine Faculty. It mainly reviewed the facilities, human resources, faculty members, teaching hospitals, and partners.

“This visit served as an important step in the accreditation process. Even though the Medicine Faculty is the newest faculty at Udinus, having only been operational for two years, we will do our best so the accreditation process can run well and get the best possible results,” the rector uttered.

During their visit, the assessors, led by Prof. Dr. Adi Koesoema Aman, Sp.PK(KH), was also present. On that occasion, Prof. Adi was accompanied by four other assessors, including Dr. dr. Arie Utariani, Sp.An., KAP., Dr. dr. Fitri Octaviana, Sp.S(K)., M.Pd.Ked., Dr. dr. AA Mas Putrawati Triningrat, Sp.M(K)., and Dr. Alex Kusanto, Sp.KKLP.

Support from the Stakeholders and Teaching Hospital

During the opening speech, Prof. Adi emphasized that the field assessment aimed to ensure that the data provided by the Medicine Faculty at Udinus align with reality. He also highlighted the importance of preparing the teaching hospital, as it was essential and a part of the medical education standard.

“We will see the entire condition of the faculty and the teaching hospital. This is because in medical education, teaching hospitals hold a crucial role in sustaining students’ practical skills,” he revealed on Thursday, March 20, 2025, in the conference room on the first floor of the H building at Udinus.

Several stakeholders also made an appearance during the field assessment. This included the Chief of the Bhayangkara Hospital Tk. II—Police Commissioner dr. Yudi Prasetyo, Sp.P., M.Kes., the Head of the Halmahera Health Center—dr. Turi Setyawati, and the Dean of the Medicine Faculty at Unissula, Dr. dr. H. Setyo Trisnadi, Sp.KF., S.H., who was also the mentor of the Medicine Faculty at Udinus, and a representative of other partner hospitals.

The support also came from the Governor of Central Java—Former Police General Commissioner Drs. Ahmad Luthfi, S.H., S.St.M.K., through a testimonial video. Moreover, Dr. dr. Mochamad Abdul Hakam, Sp.PD., Finasim—the Head of the Health Service of Semarang—was also present to represent the mayor. On that occasion, Abdul Hakam expressed his appreciation to the Medicine Faculty of Udinus.

Abdul Hakam stated that the Medicine Faculty would be able to serve as a proper addition to medical educational institutions, particularly for future doctors and physicians. According to him, with more doctors, Semarang would be able to receive more contributions, particularly in the medical field.

“Moreover, one of the visions held by the Medicine Faculty at Udinus focuses on preventing diseases, which aligns with the missions and visions of the local government,” he concluded.

As additional information, the field assessment process consisted of submitting files and an opening speech attended by the stakeholders. It would then be concluded with a visitation to several partner hospitals. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Humas Udinus)