The Health Science Faculty at Udinus Holds an FGD with Stakeholders to Reinforce Strategies for Controlling Cigarette Advertisements

The Health Science Faculty at Udinus Holds an FGD with Stakeholders to Reinforce Strategies for Controlling Cigarette Advertisements

A research team from the Health Science Faculty (FKes) at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) recently hosted a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with stakeholders. The event was part of a series of research projects conducted by the Indonesian Tobacco Control Research Network (ITCRN) 2024 of the Health Science Faculty at Udinus.

The FGD featured an academic organization, which was also a stakeholder, known as the Public Health Promotors and Instructors Association of Central Java. It aimed to delve into public opinion concerning the restriction of cigarette advertisements, sponsorships, and promotions, as well as the impact of the policy on public health awareness.

The ITCRN Research Team from the Health Science Faculty at Udinus consisted of lecturers from the Public Health Department. Those lecturers were Izzatul Alifah Sifai, S.K.M., M.P.H., Dr. Nurjanah, S.K.M., M.Kes., and Widya Ratna Wulan, S.K.M., M.K.M., and Aprianti, S.K.M., M.Kes.

The team leader, Izzatul, mentioned that the research would be conducted in three different locations: Semarang City, Semarang Regency, and Kendal Regency. There were five topics discussed at the FGD, including the mapping of cigarette advertisements in Semarang City and the realm of regional government that can be regulated in the regional regulations concerning the regulations of smoking in public spaces. 

Izzatul added that the research was conducted with the concern of protecting youths from the influence of cigarette advertisements to prevent young people from smoking. The research would be conducted in three different locations to make them ‘Youth-friendly Towns.’

“On this occasion, we would also like to discuss topics related to public opinion concerning the restriction of cigarette advertisements, promotions, and sponsorships. We also reviewed the Government Regulation No. 28 of 2024, which limits the advertisement,” she uttered.

Research Outputs

Izzatul revealed that the FGD served as a step to garner suggestions from the promotors and instructors to further strengthen the policies, as well as design advocation steps based on research to push even more restrictive policies about cigarette advertisements.

“There are several outputs we expect from this research. For instance, the Local Government needs to update the regulations concerning Non-smoking zones to align with Government Regulation No. 28 of 2024, and this will allow a more powerful regulation to be enacted in controlling cigarette consumption. In addition, the limit of Governor Regulations that cannot show the sanction or punishment causes this regulation to be fairly underenforced. For that reason, we need the regulation to be revised by coming up with another regulation that is more enforced,” she explained.

Meanwhile, from the Public Health Promotors and Instructors Association of Central Java (PPKMI), the FGD was attended by Dr. dr. Anung Sugihantono, M. Kes.—the Head of the PPKMI of Central Java, and Dr. Drs. Syamsulhuda Busi Musthofa, M. Kes.—an administrator from the PPKMI of Central Java.

Furthermore, Anung emphasized the importance of supervising strategic areas, like public spaces, public transport, and schools to protect young people from exposure to cigarette advertisements. Educational campaigns are also important to improve public awareness about the impact of smoking, particularly among youths.

“Kombinasi edukasi masyarakat, penegakan aturan  KTR, serta larangan iklan, promosi, dan sponsor rokok menjadi langkah penting. Terutama dalam menciptakan lingkungan sehat yang mendukung Kota Layak Anak seperti yang disampaikan oleh tim Udinus,” tutupnya. (Humas Udinus/Ika. Foto: Humas FKes Udinus)