To celebrate the Holy Month of Ramadan 1446 H, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) once again showed its compassion toward the public through an event entitled Udinus Sharing in a Social Service 2025. This time, Udinus gave away 1.000 packs of rice, with 5kg each, to the locals.

This social service is indeed a routine agenda from Udinus during the Holy Month of Ramadan. The groceries are mainly aimed at the locals who live around Udinus, particularly in the Pendrikan Kidul area. In addition, the giveaway is also conducted in various other areas within Semarang, including Durian Street, Papandayan, Srondol, and Ngaliyan.

The Vice Chancellor III of Student Affairs at Udinus, Prof. Dr. Dra. Kusni Ingsih, M.M.., stated that the giveaway was a form of tangible contribution from Udinus to be a respectable member of society, which was a part of the Tri Dharma of the University Tenets.

“We are not only focusing on education but also the social welfare of the locals. This activity does not only provide a good example to our students, but also the locals as well,” Prof. Kusni uttered.

The giveaway is expected to give the locals some benefits, as well as lighten their burdens, particularly in the Holy Month of Ramadan. Udinus Sharung also served as a way to harmonize the bonds between Udinus and the locals.

“This giveaway is a form of appreciation from Udinus to the locals of the Pendrikan Kidul area for supporting and accepting us, particularly in acknowledging our co-existence and activities amidst this community,” Prof. Kusni uttered.

Reception from the Locals

One of the locals, Lis, expressed her hope for Udinus Sharing to be hosted more routinely. “Hopefully, Udinus can see an improvement, and strive for the better, as well as remain compassionate to us, locals,” she revealed.

This giveaway to the locals of Pendrikan Kidul was conducted on the first floor of the E building at Udinus, on March 21, 2025. On that occasion, Christyan Wisnu Wardhana, S.E., M.M., the event coordinator and the Head of the General Bureau at Udinus, was also present, with representatives from student organizations and Student Activity Units accompanying and assisting.

Ir. H. Lamidi, M.T., the Head of the Community Empowerment Agency of Lamper Kidul, Semarang, warmly welcomed the social support given to the locals by Udinus. He stated that the support could greatly help the locals, especially at this time, when rice prices currently skyrocket.

“I, as the representative of the locals of Pendrikan Kidul, hereby express my gratitude to Udinus for helping us. Hopefully, this support can greatly help the locals, especially the underprivileged ones,” he concluded. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Dok. Kemahasiswaan Udinus)