The Humanities Faculty at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) provided learning materials concerning research and recent issues at the 2022 International Seminar of Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Science. The seminar took place on Saturday, November 5th, 2022.
The seminar was held in the G building at Udinus, featuring speakers excelling in the field of linguistics. Those speakers were Prof. Dr. Habil Gabor Szecsi from the University of Pecs, Hungary, and Dr, Jayne C. Lammers from the University of Rochester, New York, USA.
The seminar also featured several local prominent experts, including Prof. Dr. Drs. Jumanto, M.Pd., from Udinus, Dr. Ani Wijayanti, M.M., M.M.Par., CHE., from Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika Indonesia, and Heni Hermawati, S.S., M.A., Ph.D., from Universitas Negeri Semarang.
Ketua Pelaksana, Dr. Neni Kurniawati S.S.,M.Hum., memaparkan seminar tahun ini mengusung tema ‘Exploring Local Values in Language, Literature, Culture and Tourism’. Setiap narasumber memberikan materi sesuai bidangnya, seperti mengenai bahasa, sastra, penerjemahan, budaya, pariwisata, dan perhotelan.
“Adapun topik utama yang kami bahas dalam seminar kali ini yakni nilai lokal dari ilmu budaya yang menjadi pembelajaran utama mahasiswa. Sekitar 125 peserta yang lolos seleksi juga berkesempatan mempresentasikan hasil penelitian mereka,” jelas Ketua Program Studi (Prodi) S-1 Pengelolaan Perhotelan Udinus itu.
During his greeting, Dr. Raden Arief Nugroho, S.S., M.Hum.—the Dean of the Humanities Faculty¬— expressed his gratitude to all speakers for sharing their educative insight. Similar to the materials presented by one of the speakers, local cultures are indeed important heritage that must be preserved through the field of tourism and hospitality.
“Melalui seminar ini kami berharap dosen hingga mahasiswa mendapat wawasan lebih luas seputar pengembangan budaya lokal. Agar kedepannya warisan leluhur itu tidak punah termakan kemajuan teknologi,” tutupnya.
For additional information, Structural is a series of annual events organized by the Humanities Faculty at Udinus. In addition to learning from experts, this event also opened brand-new opportunities for both faculty members and students to publish their research concerning linguistics, literature, culture, and tourism. The registration for this seminar was opened from July to October. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Dok. Humas FIB Udinus)