On the third day of the 2022 Dinus Day, the Computer Science Faculty at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) Semarang and Kediri invited Ge Pamungkas. The event, packaged in the form of a talk show, was attended by a total of 1855 freshmen of the Computer Science Faculty at Udinus. It was held online through the Zoom Meeting platform on August 31st, 2022.
At the event, Ge Pamungkas shared several tips and tricks to handle campus life. The talk show was presented in fun and informal ways. The freshmen looked enthusiastically delighted by the presence of Ge Pamungkas, as some of them smiled and asked questions of the comedian.
Ge Pamungkas was a comedian, and at the events, he discussed differences between freshmen during his time and nowadays. According to him, everything done during the student orientation had a positive meaning to establish a new generation of freshmen. Particularly, as a way for the freshmen to prepare themselves for campus life because they are still in their transition phase to higher education.
“The most important thing for a student is the ability to adapt during their studies. This is because lots of students come from various cultural backgrounds,” he advised.
Furthermore, Ge revealed that adaptation would emerge from the desire of the said students. One of the simplest things to adapt is by agreeing to disagree on particular aspects. Moreover, acceptance of different opinions is also a way for students to adapt.
“The main factor of students struggling to adapt is because of different ideologies, as students, you guys need to listen to others’ opinions. Thus, you can eventually put your differences aside and become friends,” he uttered.
Meanwhile, Dr. Drs. Abdul Syukur, M.M., (the Dean of the Computer Science Faculty) was present on that occasion, accompanied by Dr. Ahmad Zainul Fanani, S.Si., M.Kom., (the Vice Dean I) and Affandy, M.Kom., Ph.D., (the Vice Dean II). Furthermore, the whole staff and faculty members within the Computer Science Faculty also made an appearance.
As one of the questioners, Affandy, M.Kom., Ph.D., (the Vice Dean II of the Computer Science Faculty) expressed his joy for witnessing Ge Pamungkas concluding the whole event of the 2022 Dinus Inside. Because of him, the freshmen could enjoy the orientation by listening to the experience shared by Ge Pamungkas in a comedic tone. 
“Hopefully, all 1855 freshmen could learn positive lessons from Ge Pamungkas. Furthermore, we would also hope for this whole talk show to motivate students during their studies to be accomplished and be a symbol of pride,” he concluded.
On the same occasion, all freshmen, who had conducted their initial assignments, received appreciation from the committee of the 2022 Dinus Inside. The best students were directly announced on the same day. Following that, the event was concluded by the introduction to all student organizations within the Computer Science Faculty. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Humas Udinus)