Budget limitation is never an obstacle to getting a bachelor’s degree. Fenny Angesti Sukma (21), a Broadcasting student of the 2016 cohort at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), put this principle deep within her heart by applying for the Bidikmisi scholarship.
Getting a GPA of at least 3.0 is an obligation every student who applies for the Bidikmisi scholarship must meet. However, GPA is not the most important thing for Fenny, “Indeed, GPA is very important to maintain as it is a must for students who applied for the Bidikmisi scholarship, but getting more experience for the industry is much more crucial.”
Fenny, born on July 24, 1998, in Semarang, initially did not expect to pass the Bidikmisi scholarship. With natural science as her expertise and several experiences in the radio club in high school, that experience was completely new for her, and she must also start from the beginning since she was a Bidikmisi student with a limited budget. “From the funding given by Bidikmisi, I had to find the equipment on my own, such as a camera which I got through my savings and loan provided by my older siblings,” she stated.
In addition to attending classes, Fenny also works as a part-timer at a photo studio. She started her part-time career in a studio setting, learning the camera and taking better pictures. “I was introduced to the freelance industry back when I was in my third semester, and I was working at my friend’s place. What initially started as merely a helper led me to use the camera myself.” Her earned money was used to buy equipment for her college purposes. “Then, I bought a cheap tripod from that money. At that time, I was happy as my hard work finally paid off,” she added.
Fenny works hard to make her family and her deceased mother proud. She was at her lowest point when her mother was diagnosed with stage three cancer. Despite all of that, her father and oldest sibling kept supporting her, which led her to be the best graduate in the Department of Broadcasting of the 2016 cohort at the 67th graduation at Udinus. “The reason why I work this hard is to make my late mother proud and to get more support from my father and older sibling,” she uttered.
Most people see other individuals’ achievement without glancing at the hardships and process the individuals might have to go through. “Many individuals do not even bother to take a look at the process from the success. Thus, you must not forget that the process is an essential part of a successful life or career,” she concluded. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Dok. Humas)
Name :
Fenny Angesti Sulma – Mahasiswa Bidikmisi Udinus