As the era goes to the next stage of advancements, the tourism and hotel industries begin to develop significantly. This development encourages Ranadhya Marif Paramita (21), a Hotel Management student at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), to study this expertise of hers even further.


The hotel industry mainly centers around hospitality; thus, if the customers were to be given improper service, they would have the right to complain. Ranandhya, better known as Ran, claimed that the hotel industry was often associated with good services. “In the hotel industry, we are obliged to groom ourselves, be nice or possess a good attitude, speak politely, and pay attention to time at work,” she revealed.


Ran, born on March 26, 1998, in Bantul, could also allocate her time properly both for work and classes. Currently, she works as a Telephone Operator and Admin at Grandhika Pemuda Hotel in Semarang. Additionally, Ran, a student of the 2017 cohort, shared her ups and downs during her time working there. “If I give not-so-proper service, the guests will sometimes complain,” she uttered.


Nevertheless, Ran also encountered several happy moments at work. “I got the opportunity to meet various new people of different backgrounds, so I could exchange information with them and link us. It is truly a satisfying and joyful experience whenever I can fulfill the guests’ needs and pay more attention to them,” she emphasized.


At the moment, Ran is still engaging in the hotel industry. For the time being, she aims to be the Head of Department in that hotel. “So far, I would like to pursue my career in this industry and would continue to do so until I could master every problem residing in the hotel and understand the solutions, as well as the preventions,” she uttered.


Meanwhile, the Applied Hotel Management Study Program at Udinus is currently giving its students facilities to work as an intern twice. Plus, the students are recommended to participate in foreign internship programs. “Through my studies, I wish to be qualified to work both at domestic hotels or foreign ones,” (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Dok. Humas)


Name :

Ranadhya Marif Paramita – Mahasiswi Manajemen Perhotelan Udinus