Students who are involved in student organizations would be able to learn leadership and socializing skills. Zuvita Sasa Dila, an Undergraduate Management Student at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, was one of those students.
Zuvita is an active student when it comes to campus organizations and non-campus organizations. She claimed that she had learned various things including leadership skills, communication competence, and soft skills in the organizations she took part in.
Zuvita, the former chief of the Management Student Association of the 2019/2020 period, said that organizations were the most crucial part in shaping the students’ insight and relations. “Through organizations, I could befriend many fellow students with diverse characteristics. This could also turn out a challenge for me as I must continuously adapt to new environments in order to hone my adaptability,” she uttered.
Being a part of the committee in an organization is not an easy task for Zuvita (22). According to her, allocating her time for organizational activities and family was not that simple; however, she utilizes this hardship as a form of motivation to learn how to manage time properly and carry her responsibility both as a student and a committee.
In addition to engaging in campus organizations, Zuvita is also an active member of a non-campus organization known as the Indonesian Management Committee Forum. Furthermore, she once participated in the Indonesian Student Business Competition (KBMI) initiated by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education in Indonesia, in which Zuvita received Belmawa funding.
Based on her perspective, Udinus served as a platform to engage in both academic and non-academic activities. “I have countless reasons to be active in organizations as Udinus has provided many facilities to support its students to be accomplished. In addition to academics, our campus also possesses student organizations and units, which could act as means for students to earn various non-academic achievements,” Zuvita said.
Zuvita encouraged her fellow students passionate about organizations to trust their abilities and keep improving their gifted talents. “You must be willing to carry responsibilities and abide by the regulations within the committee, regardless of which organization you want to get into. Thus, you could gain triumphant success through your willingness,” Zuvita concluded. (Humas Udinus/Nuvia. Foto: Dok. Pribadi)
Name :
Zuvita Sasa Dila – Mahasiswi Prodi S1 Manajemen Udinus