Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) will always provide its students with entrepreneurial passion. Maylinda Putri Ardiani, an Undergraduate Informatics Student at Udinus, is among those students. She runs various kinds of business and could gather roughly Rp. 4 million in monthly turnover.
The turnover is gathered through two businesses with her colleagues and a business supported by her parents. Those three businesses are Taichan Satay, a Dessert Box business called Bittersweet by Najla, and an online clothing shop. Additionally, she also established a wedding attire rental with her parents during her high school days. “I want to run businesses to kill time and there is nothing wrong with being a young entrepreneur, with all my dedication and tenacity, I could gather sufficient turnover,” she explained.
May revealed that in her Taichan satay business, she utilized the Cash on Delivery (COD) System which means that she delivered the food on her own to the customers. This was done to reduce delivery costs for customers. During the delivery process, she could deliver up to 400 skewers. As for the order system, she normally uses the pre-order system.
“The COD system I conducted could attract consumers and the delivery cost will certainly be lower. After attending the online classes, I usually use the time to deliver the skewers to the consumers. The system also applies to my dessert box business,” she revealed.
According to her, the online class system implemented by Udinus held many benefits. One of which was that she could utilize her free time to run her current businesses. May, born on May 11th, 2000, claimed that during her study at Udinus, she earned many shards of knowledge regarding the business sector and entrepreneur tips.
May was also one of dozens of students who passed the 2019 Indonesian Student Business Competition (KBMI) 2019 hosted by the Ministry of Education and Culture. “I often utilize social media for promotional purposes. Udinus has provided me with tons of entrepreneurial abilities and I hope my businesses can keep developing to a new height,” he concluded. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Dok. Pribadi)
Name :
Maylinda Putri Ardiani – Mahasiswi S1 Teknik Informatika Udinus