Mericho Pratama Putra, an alumnus of the Informatics Study Program at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), was granted the opportunity to build small business enterprises in Central Java. Having worked as a Relationship Officer (RO), Richo said that developing the public economy was a noble thing to do.
Richo, born on May 26th, 1996, pursued his current career as it matched his personality of wanting to meet many new people and learn countless pieces of knowledge. He has been an RO at a Bank Jateng branch in Jepara since 2019. An RO plays an important part within a company, mainly giving the customers the best solutions.
“We have run several programs such as giving an additional loan with the lowest interest schemes. In addition, we are also allowed to inform bazaar or other positive activities organized by the local community,” he explained.
Despite not fitting with his current job, Richo, who graduated in 2019, said that technological knowledge would always be useful in various job sectors. Moreover, the current rapid pace of technology made him grateful for studying this field resulting in him being able to keep up with this swift advancement.
“To maintain a good relationship with consumers, we always use the direct communication method with them, perform account maintenance, and give instruction to consumers,” Richo revealed.
Prior to embarking on his career, Richo was a model, singer, and event organizer. He also discovered his potential and gained experience at the Music Student Activity Unit at Udinus and Youth Organization (Karang Taruna).
“In 2018, I emerged as the champion at Denok Kenang Kota Semarang and Mas Mba Jawa Tengah,” uttered the owner of the @richopratamap Instagram account.
As an alumnus of Udinus, Richo was proud of getting a high-quality learning atmosphere. He shared that the lecturers played an important part in shaping his ability and potential, especially when he was involved in organizational activities. 
“The lecturers at Udinus were really supportive, and the environment in the organization also pushed me to always be creative and better,” Richo concluded. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Dok. Pribadi)

Name :

Meiricho Pratama Putra – Alumni S1 Teknik Informatika Udinus