‘Si Warik’, produced by the Animation Study Program Department at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), is now famous in many layers of society. The department’s success in creating a 3D animation show was credited to Nita Virena Nathania B.Des (Hons), MBA, a creative and talented lecturer of the Animation Study Program. She alongside her students and several alumni succeeded in presenting an edutainment animation show to the Indonesian youths.
Nita admittedly claimed that she accepted the challenge to be the academic producer of this project. According to Nita, her role as an academic producer was completely different from that of a professional producer. Most of the production team consisted of students with their typical young adult problems of seeking knowledge and identities. This situation made Nita work even harder to overcome the problems surrounding her students.
“Professional producers generally work with a professional team that knows full well regarding their jobs and duties. However, it is different to be an academic producer as they possess an even more vast responsibility. In addition to being an academic producer, I also take full responsibility for my team’s physical and mental health,” Nita explained.
Nita’s success in creating three interesting characters in ‘Si Warik,’ Dian, Warik, and Endog, was thanks to none other than her interest and persistence in the animation sector. Nita, born in Jakarta on November, 28th 1988, revealed that she initially knew about the animation industry through the Disney Animated Movies.
“When I was a kid, I watched Disney animated movies particularly, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, and Beauty and the Beast. Sunday was my favorite day as I got to watch various Japanese animated shows including, Detective Conan, Cardcaptor Sakura, etc,” Nita revealed.
After launching the ‘Si Warik’ animated show in XXI Theatre on February 15th, Nita alongside the Animation Study Program Department would continue the project. Furthermore, she and her fellow lecturers would improve their students’ skills so they could overcome the incoming obstacles. Nita also shared that the digital and animation sector in Indonesia would keep growing in the near future.
“The Animation Study Program at Udinus serves as a learning institution for students to become professionals. I am wishing for the ‘Si Warik’ animated show to be enjoyed by the Indonesian youths and go international,” Nita concluded. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)