In an attempt to educate college instructors concerning journals and research, the Library Unit at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) held an international webinar. The webinar primarily discussed how to publish a scientific journal and utilize several programs to search for scientific journals.
The webinar featured two experts to serve as speakers. Those speakers were De Rosal Ignatius Moses Setiadi, M.Kom (an Instructor of the Informatics Department) and Mabel Tang (the Director and Key Accounts of APAC, Springer Nature). The webinar, entitled ‘How to Get Published and the Useful Tools for Researchers,’ was officially the first international-level event held by the Library Unit.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Supriadi Rustad, M.Si., the Vice Chancellor I of Academic Affairs, was also present and opened the webinar. On that occasion, he encouraged faculty members to design and plan a manuscript to be published in a journal publishing media.
According to him, the research conducted by the academic community at Udinus the last three years (2019 to 2021) has currently been indexed 389 at Scopus.
“This webinar is expected to encourage instructors to be more productive in creating scientific journals. Hopefully, these instructors can become more informed,” he emphasized.
Meanwhile, Natalisyo, TAH, M.Si, sk, CA., the Head Librarian, explained that the webinar served as a step to share knowledge to researchers. In addition, this webinar could also inform researchers concerning how to publish their papers in a reputable journal, as well as recommended tools to write the paper. At the webinar, the participants came from various backgrounds, including students, researchers, and instructors.
“Hopefully, this webinar can contribute to the advancement of the education sector in Indonesia. Through this webinar, our academic community will be able to understand full well on how to publish their papers in a reputable journal, as well as the tips and tricks to do so,” he uttered.
There were about 531 participants at the webinar aired on the TVKU official YouTube Channel.
A learning material about international publication were presented by Mabel Tang from Springer Nature, which is among many academic publishing companies. On that occasion, Tang discussed several steps to write and publish a scientific publication. Tang also suggested researchers use an efficient publication strategy, namely, by publishing their papers in the proper journal.
“If we were to choose the proper publisher, the paper would be helpful to the readers. In addition, we, as researchers, can also pour our ideas into the script in a systematic way,” Tang encouraged. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)