Dozens of stands were featured along the D building courtyard at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) during the 2022 Creanovative Entrepreneur Competition. At the competition, the stands consisted of various types of businesses, including creative industry, production and conservation, applied technology, as well as food and beverages.
The competition mainly consisted of students taking the Basic Entrepreneurship, Start-up Business, and Advanced Entrepreneurship classes from all faculties at Udinus. The event spanned two days from Wednesday, December 21st, 2022.
The annual competition was officially opened by Dr. Kusni Ingish, M.M., the Vice Chancellor III of Student Affairs. Additionally, several other prominent figures also made an appearance, including Dr. Nila Tristiarini, S.E., M.Si., CSRA (the Head of the Entrepreneurship Unit at Udinus), Dra. Ema Rachmawati, M.Hum., (the Head of the Small Business and Cooperation Service of Central Java), Dr. Wisnu Sakti Dewobroto (a representative from the Ministry of Education), HIPMI PT of Central Java, and the Hands Up Community (TDA). Furthermore, the whole academic community at Udinus was also present, as well as the participants.
During her greetings, Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M., stated that this competition was a series of entrepreneurship classes. She further explained that this event aimed to provide a platform for students to initiate their entrepreneurship experience and create a real ecosystem for young entrepreneurs. Through this event, Udinus is expected to produce more young entrepreneurs for Indonesia.
“This competition serves as an attempt to support the commitment of Udinus as a private university implementing the ‘Great Campus Powerful Entrepreneurship’ principle. Thus, utilize this opportunity to its greatest extent and be more creative!” Dr. Kusni emphasized.
Dr. Nila Tristiarini, SE., M.Si., CSRA, the Head of the Entrepreneurship Unit at Udinus, hoped for this event to motivate students to pursue their careers as entrepreneurs. With a specific platform, students can experience the feeling of being entrepreneurs.
“On the same occasion, we would also like to simulate the real entrepreneur competition. By the time these students complete their studies, we will appreciate them with allowance, particularly to creative students,” she concluded.
The winners of the 2022 Creanovative Entrepreneur were divided into four categories. In the basic entrepreneurship category, a product named DEORANGE led by Kurnia Helmiati (an Accounting student) emerged as the winner. As for the Pitch Deck category, it was won by a product called Magnetico Apparels led by Rizky Firmansyah (a Management student).
Meanwhile, a product named Marijamu, led by Analisa Nabila (a Management student), managed to win in two categories, namely, the Start-up Business and The Best Stand categories. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Dok. UPT KWU)