The Health Science Faculty at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) is always committed to improving the quality of every single of its departments. Recently, the Diploma of Medical Records and Information Department at Udinus has successfully been accredited as Excellent.
The accreditation earned by the Medical Records and Information Department was published by the Indonesian Independent Accreditation of Medical Higher Education Agency (LAM-PTKes) as stated in the accreditation certificate no. 0832/LAM-PTKes/Akr/dip/IX/2022.The certificate states that the Diploma of Medical Records and Information Department at Udinus has been bestowed the Excellent accreditation that will be valid until September 29th, 2027.
During his interview, DR. Dr. Zaenal Sugiyanto, the Head of the Medical Records and Information Department, stated that the Excellent accreditation garnered by the department served as an initial step for the academic community to improve and maintain the quality of the Medical Records and Information Department for the years to come. Dr. Zaenal further revealed that the department had received a visit from two assessors from the LAM-PTKes previously.
“Despite having been bestowed the Excellent accreditation, we will still improve the quality of the Department of Medical Records and Information even further. Currently, we have several aspects to improve, including the quality of the graduates, faculty members, and others,” he explained.
On a separate occasion, Enny Rachmani, SKM., M.Kom., Ph.D., the Dean of the Health Science Faculty at Udinus, expressed her pride for the Excellent accreditation achieved by the Diploma of Medical Record and Information Department. The Health Science Faculty also always maintains the Key Performance Index (KPI) of its departments, of the points was to maintain the Human Resource quality in terms of ranks and academic degrees.
The faculty is also committed to improving the education quality at Udinus, particularly the Department of Medical Record and Information. For the years to come, the Applied Department of Health Information is expected to serve as a platform for alumni of the Medical Records and Information Department to gain skills and competence.
“We are also proud of the Excellent accreditation earned by the Medical Record and Information Department. As of now, we aim for other departments within the Health Science Faculty to earn Excellent accreditation as well. Also, we target our faculty to be globally acclaimed through the QS World Ranking,” the dean hoped.
Furthermore, the Medical Record and Information Department has also had several facilities to support student’s academic needs, including medical recorders, a Classification lab, a Disease Codification and Related Health Issues (KKPMT), an anatomy and physiology lab, a statistic and reporting lab, a computer lab as well as a language lab. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)