Football and futsal are two of many sports holding a high amount of euphoria, particularly among high school students. This year, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) once again held the Udinus Futsal Cup in an attempt to facilitate students from Central Java and Yogyakarta to showcase their talents.
The competition, which was participated by 24 teams, was hosted by the Football and Futsal unit at Udinus. Judging from the number of spectators and supporters, the event was arguably sparked with immense enthusiasm. The competition ran fairly at the Satria Sports building, Banyumanik Sub-district, Semarang, from January 21st to 22nd, 2023.
Muhammad Mustofal Ahcyar, the Head of the Committee, explained that the Futsal Cup employed the Group Knock Outsystem, with students from various high schools in Central Java and Yogyakarta participating in it. Those schools included SMA N 7 Semarang, SMA N 3 Salatiga, SMA N 1 Ambarawa, SMA N 3 Jepara, and many others.
“They were very enthusiastic as they could finally compete at the Udinus Futsal cup after two years of pandemics. Upon seeing them competing, we see that many of them do hold the potential in football and futsal,” he revealed.
The winner of this competition will receive funding, certificates, and trophies. In addition, the committee will also grant additional funding to the Top Scorer, Best Player and Best Suporter.
On that occasion, Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M., the Vice Chancellor III of Student Affairs, also made an appearance alongside Sarju, M.M., the Instructor of the Football and Futsal unit at Udinus.
Dr, Kusni hoped for this competition to garner young talented football athletes. According to her, both futsal and football sports branches were two of the most popular sports.
“We would also like to facilitate these nationally and internationally-acclaimed young athletes with scholarships. By hosting the Dinus Festival, we will be able to garner these young athletes,” she concluded.
In addition to sports, the 2023 Dinusfest was enlivened by other kinds of competitions, including arts and scientific papers. With more than 63 contest categories, the 2023 Dinusfest was participated by 5124 students. Furthermore, there will also be a closing ceremony featuring a singer from Jakarta, Denny Caknan, performing for these students on January 29th, 2023. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Humas Udinus)