The musical performance presented by Denny Cak-nan concluded the 2023 Dinus Festival (Dinusfest) at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus). The 2023 Dinusfest was attended by 5.123 participants, consisting of high school and college students from Indonesia.
The concert, themed ‘Dinus Night Festival,’ was opened by several performances by several campus organizations. Those performances primarily consisted of Cross-Cultural Performances presented by various units at Udinus, namely, E-Gamelanku, Dance From Udinus (DFU), and the Gita Dian Nuswa Choir Group.
Deni Setiawan better known as Denny Cak-nan performed his eight most featured songs, two of which were Satru 2 and Klebus. One of his songs, Ojo Dibandingke concluded his hypnotizing performances, with the audience singing along. During his performance, he also invited Dr. Pulung Nurtantio Andono S.T., M.Kom., the Vice Chancellor IV of Research and Partnership Affairs, to sing in a duet with him.
“I hereby thank Udinus for inviting me to perform at this concert,” he concluded.
The songs performed by Denny Cak-nan also captivated the whole audience consisting of the academic community and students to collectively dance in the courtyard of the G building.
The 2023 Dinusfest featured various contests, two of which were arts and scientific papers. With more than 63 contest categories, the 2023 Dinusfest was participated by 5.124 high school students from various regions in Indonesia.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom., the Chancellor of Udinus, also expressed his gratitude to all participants for participating in various contests at the 2023 Dinusfest. The chancellor further revealed that this concert, performed by a singer from Jakarta, was a form of gratitude.
“After weeks of their struggles in striving to become the victor, they all gathered and enjoyed the musical performance brought by a musician from Jakarta. All participants were seen enthusiastic and delighted by the musical melodies presented by Denny Cak-nan,” he concluded. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Humas Udinus)