The Ministry of Health conducted a visit to Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) to grant permission to establish the Medicine Faculty. At the visitation, the representatives from the Ministry of Health oversaw the facilities possessed by Udinus. 
The visitation served as a requirement for the campus to establish a new faculty. On that occasion, The General Director of Health Professionals at the Health Ministry, drg. Arianti Anaya, MKM., was present alongside, the Director of Health Professional Supplies at the Health Ministry, Dra. Hj. Oos Fatimah Rosyati, M.Kes.
Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom., the Chancellor of Udinus, and other staff members warmly welcomed the arrival of those two assessors from the ministry. In addition, several prominent figures were also present at the visitation, including Tri Roestanti, M.M. (the Head of the Dian Nuswantoro Foundation), Dr. Pulung Nurtantio Andono, ST., M.Kom. (the Vice Chancellor IV of Research and Partnership Affairs), The Vice Chancellor II of General and Financial Affairs, and many others.
Before conducting a visit to various laboratories, the chancellor explained the design of the Medicine Faculty. Several requirements to establish the Medicine Faculty had apparently been met by the campus. 
During his interview, the chancellor explained that Udinus was proposing the establishment of the Medicine Faculty at that moment. Additionally, the assessors also gave feedback at the visitation. Thus, the chancellor hoped for the feedback to push the campus to meet several other requirements. 
“Hopefully, our explanation could convince the Health Ministry to grant us the permission to establish the Medicine Faculty. We would also like for the academic community and the general public to support us,” he uttered.
On the same occasion, a discussion session also took place opened by Prof. Dr. Supriadi Rustad, M.Si. At the discussion, the academic community was given additional feedback concerning facilities and human resources.
Drg. Arianti Anaya, MKM., also mentioned several requirements and procedures to establish the Medicine Faculty. Those requirements were an educational hospital, sufficient human resources in accordance with the constitution, and guidance from other medicine faculties that are accredited as Excellent.
“The visitation has run well, and the explanation was also well-received and understandable. The commitment held by the academic community is indeed remarkable. Hopefully, Udinus could get the best possible results. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Humas Udinus).