With the presidential election coming near in 2024, students of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) were encouraged to implement the values of Pancasila through an event entitled ‘National Is Me Goes to Campus.’ The event took place on the sixth floor of the I building, on Tuesday, March, 7th, 2023.
As the host, Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom., the Chancellor of Udinus, gave a greeting and explanation surrounding the values of the Pancasila ideology through cultural works. The chancellor exclaimed that universities in general held the role of instilling the five pillars of Pancasila through education, particularly research works.
“Through their competence in research, our students are trained to conduct reviews of an existing basic concept. This will allow our students to determine their existential position and see information both from positive and negative viewpoints before making decisions.
The first learning material was presented by a member of Commission II of the House of Representatives, Drs. Mohammad Toha, S.Sos., M.Si. On that occasion, he primarily discussed the awareness of political participation as a form of implementing the Pancasila philosophy. Furthermore, he revealed that the political realm did not only concern the fourth chapter but also all chapters.
“These values must be instilled in students. Even more, these students have also participated indirectly in politics, particularly in the campus president elections,” he explained.
Another learning material was presented by Drs. Sapto Adi Sugihartono, M.M., the Head of the Unity of Nations and Politics of Semarang. During his presentation, he discussed the strengthening of the Pancasila ideology to preserve the diversity of Indonesia. In addition, the Head of The General Election Supervisory Agency, Arif Rahman, S.H., M.H., was also present. On that occasion, Arif Rahman explained the importance of safe and conducive elections as a form of the Pancasila values implementation.
Meanwhile, Drs. Drajat Wisnu Setyawan, M.M., the Director of Ideological, Character, and Knowledge Development, also made an appearance to greet and officially open the event. During his greeting, he hoped for the discussion, attended by 71 students, to motivate students to implement the Pancasila values.
“This event serves as a work program from the Directorate of General Politics and General Government. Moreover, it also plays a role in instilling the Pancasila values and the awareness toward the 2024 election in young generations,” he explained. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Humas Udinus)