Hundreds of 77th graduate candidates of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) were given a coaching session to face the real world upon graduating. The event was hosted on Monday, March 13, 2023.
Using the theme ‘Think Local, Act Global,’ more than 910 graduates participated in the event. This number officially marked a total of 40 thousand graduates from Udinus scattered across the nation and globe. Furthermore, the event was on air on several platforms, including Zoom Meeting, YouTube, and TVKU.
The event featured two speakers to share learning materials and motivate these graduates. These speakers are Prof. Dr. Supriadi Rustad, M.Si. (the Vice Chancellor I of Academic Affairs) and Hermawan Kertajaya, a world marketing expert.
Prof. Supriadi Rustad stated that the graduates had to adapt and anticipate future development by learning technological knowledge.
“Regardless of your field of expertise, the main key every graduate must possess is mastering things concerning technology and digitalization. Thus, you need to adapt and hone your IT skills to further improve your expertise,” he explained.
Following that, the Chariman of Markplus, Inc. and a world marketing expert, Hermawan Kertajaya stepped on the stage. On stage, he reminded graduates to be agents of change, considering the demographic bonus is inevitable, in which these graduates’ participations and contributions are required.
“Hence, do not only aim for college diploma, and also learn to hone your creativity, innovation, leadership, and entrepreneurship skills,” he uttered.
The event was presented by the Alumni Association of Udinus. The head of this association, Hery Pamungkas S.S., M.Ikom, was also present to convey his greetings. In his greetings, he hoped for the graduates to keep being productive and learn from the philosophy of clocks.
“Let us learn from clocks. They keep moving regardless of the fact that nobody watches and appreciates them. Even if nobody thanks them, they will always work for us,” he concluded.
For additional information, the 77th Graduation at Udinus will be hosted on Wednesday, March 15th, 2023. (Humas Udinus/Ika. Foto: Humas Udinus)