Maintaining and developing the quality of a college institution is not an easy task as the era gradually advances. As one of the private universities with Excellent accreditation, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) discussed the steps concerning campus management with Universitas Respati Yogyakarta (Unriyo) on Wednesday, March 15th, 2023.
At the visitation, both parties discussed the management and development of the quality possessed by a university. The representatives from Unriyo were welcomed by the Faculty of Computer Science represented by Affandy, M.Kom., Ph.D. (the Vice Dean II of General Affairs in the Computer Science Faculty). Additionally, Udinus also sent other two representatives, namely, Nova Rijati, S.Si., M.Kom. (the Head of the Quality Assurance Institution) and Dr. Drs. Agus Prayitno M.M. (the Head of the Accreditation Affairs).
On that occasion, Nova Rijati, S.Si., M.Kom., revealed steps taken by the campus in achieving the Excellent accreditation and maintaining it. Moreover, she also explained that Human Resources, particularly faculty members, served as an essential aspect. For instance, giving rewards to talented or remarkable faculty members could potentially motivate them to keep maintaining such work performance. 
“Through this motivation, faculty members are expected to improve their work performance, leading to the quality improvement of a department. We have routinely applied this step, and this may be a good example for Unriyo to follow for the time being,” Nova explained. 
Affandy, M.Kom., Ph.D., also mentioned that establishing an off-campus faculty might also serve as a method to optimize and further develop the quality of a college institution. Additionally, he added that universities had to attempt to make an approach toward the public, particularly high school students, as they were the target market for higher education.
“Currently, we have an off-campus faculty in Kediri. In addition to that, we also routinely conduct promotion and institutional introduction to raise the popularity of our campus,” he uttered.
Meanwhile, Dr. Setiyanto, DEA., the Vice Chancellor of Unriyo, expressed his gratitude for the warm welcome given by the Computer Science Faculty and the Quality Assurance Institution. Moreover, he claimed that the obstacles in the field of education pushed all college institutions to strive for the best possible quality in managing a university. Udinus was chosen as the destination because it had been accredited as Excellent and proven to have impressive management.
“Currently, we are focusing on management aspects, encompassing promotion, Human Resources, and institutional development, and we consider Udinus as a campus with remarkable management. Also, we were welcomed warmly by the academic community upon arriving here,” he concluded.
The visitation was concluded with a campus tour around the H building, with several locations being seen, including classrooms, laboratories, and the rooftop. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Dok. FIK)