The Library of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) tied a partnership with Rumah Dongeng Mentari to conduct a literacy improvement program among the public, particularly children. At that program, participants could listen to four folktales conveyed in such an intriguing and energetic manner.
The participants in the program mainly consisted of preschool and elementary students, as well as several teachers accompanying them. On that occasion, the participants were listening to the stories or folktales told by several members of Rumah Dongeng Mentari, including Ms. Semira, Ms. Oliv, Ms. Wiwik, and Mr. Teddy.
Aan Prabowo S.Hum., MA., the Head Librarian, explained that this program served as a stepping stone for the library to develop literacy among the public, particularly locals. Aan also hoped for the library to encourage the locals to be more in touch with literacy.
“We will always support literacy programs aimed at children through the partnership we tied with Rumah Dongeng Mentari. Hopefully, we can keep routinely contributing to the literacy improvement among the public,” he explained.
Zidni Rahmatika, the Coordinator of Rumah Dongeng Mentari, explained that folktales could give moral values to children in a delightful way. She also claimed to choose the stories she was about to tell carefully, as not all folklore is child-friendly. Currently, Zidni alongside her team is conducting a tour in five different cities in Indonesia, including Jakarta, Malang, Semarang, Bandung, and Bali.
“Fairytales are child-friendly stories with moral values aimed at children. Hopefully, our stories could educate children in Semarang,” she concluded.
In addition to listening to stories, the participants were also explained how to activate ten Indonesian fairy tales and how to draw Dayak and Gunungan clothes. The program was conducted on March 12th, 2023 with Kawan Dongeng of Central Java and The Read-Aloud Community of Semarang contributing to this program. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Doc. Perpustakaan Udinus)