Students of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) keep achieving more and more accomplishments. Recently, Arneta Putri Amelian, a volleyball athlete from Udinus, managed to showcase her talent and emerge as the Women’s Best Setter at the 2023 Proliga. Currently, Arneta is a part of Jakarta Pertamina Fastron team.
Arneta could play an important role for her team by garnering 46 of points at that prestigious event. This phenomenal performance of her is one of many contributing factors for her to be acclaimed as the Women’s Best Setter at the 21st Season of Proliga.
At the young age of 21, her keys to success are to keep practicing and doing her best in every match she is in. Her cleverness in maintaining her techniques and providing the opposing team with a spectacular decoy are two of Arneta’s best feats.
“I usually serve as a Setter and routinely score a point through clever ball placement, which could launch a surprise attack on the opposing team. Moreover, I also occasionally act as a decoy to deceive the opponents,” she explained.
On the same occasion, Arneta expressed her utmost joy and pride for being bestowed the Women’s Best Setter title at the 2023 Proliga. Furthermore, she has several other best feats under her belt, including her dedication to training and her remarkable teamwork skills. The support given by her coaches and teammates truly motivated her to unleash her latent ability.
“Obviously, routine training is not something you would look down on, and evaluating from your last match is also important. The essential aspect leading me to achieve this title is the support given by my coaches and teammates, which could boost my confidence in the competition,” Arneta, born on May 1st, 2002, explained.
During her interview at the Udinus Sports Center (USC), Arneta expressed her joy and pride for earning a scholarship. According to her, the appreciation in a form of scholarship could essentially help Indonesian athletes.
Arneta further stated that non-academic knowledge balanced with academic knowledge would later come to fruition. To garner this academic knowledge, Arneta is committed to continue her studies in the Department of Management at Udinus.
“I could not express my gratitude to Udinus enough for appreciating our talents, hopefully, we could make a name for this campus at the upcoming Proliga. Not only that, but Udinus also provided us and other Indonesian athletes opportunities to continue our studies and live our lives as college students,” Arneta uttered.
In response to that remarkable accomplishment, Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M., the Vice Chancellor III of Student Affairs, expressed her utmost pride for Arnetta. Additionally, Arnetta’s teammates, Guretno Dwi Margiani, the Libero, and Ajeng Viona Adelea, the Outside Hitter, will also continue their studies at Udinus..
“The athletes will be accomplished. For that reason, we would like to contribute to the future of these athletes by giving them scholarships. Contributing to Indonesia, Accomplish Globally is one of our taglines kami untuk menyejahterakan para atlet yang mengharumkan nama bangsa baik di kancah nasional maupun internasional,” jelasnya. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)