The rapidly-changing advancement of the internet emerges a new era of content creation. However, there will always be things an individual must do and avoid, particularly in content creation. In response to this specific phenomenon, the Department of Animation at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) held a webinar discussing Tips and Tricks for Becoming a Content Creator in the Field of Animation. 
With the theme of ‘Animator as a Content Creator,’ the webinar was held online through the Zoom Meeting platform, on Saturday, April 1st, 2023. It featured two speakers with years of experience in the field of content creation on various platforms, namely, Luthfi Hinelo, a prominent animator on Instagram, and Sarah Angelia, an illustrator at FergieJNX and Emak Egi on TikTok and YouTube.
On that occasion, Luthfi shared his experience as a content creator and gave the audience several important things every new content creator must be aware of. First, an animator must possess the most fundamental aspect of drawing and be able to imagine an object from various points. Second, a content creator also must have a sense of movement as in animating, there will be several frames compiled into one, shaping into moving pictures known as animation.
“With the current rapidly changing digital advancements, software mastery is essential for an animator. After mastering the basics of drawing and sense of movement, the animator is expected to master at least one software for the animation to be made,” he emphasized.
Luthfi also stated that consistency could also serve as a key for the content creator to succeed in any platform. Consistency could be embodied through several things, including noting as many ideas as possible and then choosing which ideas to execute. Moreover, the ideas must also be in line with the animator’s skills and surroundings.
“The most important thing is the determination and dedication to move forward and produce those ideas by planning at least five contents. Thence, there will emerge an opportunity to oversee which content is the most acceptable one,” he revealed.
On the same occasion an illustrator, Sarah Angelia, with a total of 1.6 million subscribers in her two YouTube channels combined, also discussed several topics regarding proper self-branding by interacting with the audience without being out of character.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Committee, Ahmad Yahya Ayasy, stated that the webinar aimed to give new insight to the audience regarding a new career path for animation students. By featuring two speakers of different backgrounds, the audience was expected to garner several viewpoints relating to content creation. 
“Hopefully, this webinar could induce insight to the audience, particularly those of animation students, to get proper viewpoints from the speakers, who are also successful content creators,” he concluded. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Humas Udinus)