A student of the Department of Doctoral Computer Science at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro successfully graduated with a GPA of 3.81. Through his dissertation entitled ‘Revision Methods of Small Dataset Utilizing Virtual Sample Generation Based on Hamiltonian Circuit-interpolation,’ Dr. T. Sutojo., S.Si., M.Kom., successfully earned his doctoral degree.
Sutojo defended his dissertation in an open session hosted in the conference room on the first floor of the H building. The session led by Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom., the Chancellor of Udinus, ran well without any technical issues. Sutojo’s success in defending his dissertation marked him to be the third graduate of the Doctoral Computer Science Program.
Currently, the Doctoral Computer Science Program (PDIK) at Udinus is accredited as ‘B’. It is stated in the decree issued by the National Accreditation Body for Higher Education (BAN-PT) on October 5th, 2021, numbered 11405/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/D/X/2021. The accreditation is valid until October 5th, 2026.
Purwanto, S.Si., M.Kom., Ph.D., the Head of the Doctoral Computer Science Program, explained that this department possessed many advantages, including competent faculty members, and it was also well-equipped with sufficient facilities and infrastructures, which would sustain the need of the students. These advantages led the Doctoral Computer Science Program to be accredited as ‘Very Good.’
The open session marked the third graduate of the Doctoral Computer Science Program, and it became more apparent that this department could guide its students to succeed. Additionally, Purwanto also congratulated Sutojo for his success in defending his dissertation.
“We are always committed to guiding our students the best we can. Even one of our students managed to publish an international journal with Scopus Q1-indexed,” he explained.
On a different occasion, the chancellor expressed his pride and congratulated Sutojofor his phenomenal accomplishment. Moreover, he also hoped for the doctoral program achieved by Sutojo to benefit and contribute to the advancements of Indonesia. Through the Doctoral Computer Science Program, Udinus is committed to educating the public and preparing students to be competitive in the field of technology.
“We proudly guide our students in the Doctoral Computer Science Department to achieving their degrees. Furthermore, we will always contribute to educating the public and preparing our students to be competitive in the field of technology,” the chancellor emphasized.
Defending His Dissertation
Dr. T. Sutojo, S.Si., M.Kom., triumphantly earned his doctoral degree and became the third graduate of the Doctoral Computer Science Program. Moreover, he also obtained the cum laude predicate with a GPA of 3.81. In the open defending session, he managed to defend his dissertation entitled ‘Revision Methods of Small Dataset Utilizing Virtual Sample Generation Based on Hamiltonian Circuit-interpolation.’ According to Dr. Sutojo, his dissertation mainly discusses problems surrounding the leakage of gasoline tanks occurring several years prior.
“The leakage was caused by corrosion in the tank that could have been prevented had they applied an anti-corrosion substance, and this dissertation aims to design the substance which could later be applied inside gasoline tanks,” he explained.
Dr. Sutojo revealed that the Doctoral Computer Science Program had a fascinating learning system, and the faculty members were able to guide their students to graduate with the best results.
“I did not doubt when I enrolled here at Udinus and became its first cohort. This is because Udinus is one of the best IT campuses in Central Java with a good accreditation and institution,” Dr. Sutojo revealed.
In writing his dissertation, Revision Methods of Small Dataset Utilizing Virtual Sample Generation Based on Hamiltonian Circuit-interpolation’, Dr. Sutojo was instructed by several promotors, including Prof. Dr. Supriadi Rustad, M.Si., Abdul Syukur, Ph.D., and Dr. Guruh Fajar Shidik, S.Kom., M.Cs. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)