Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) organized Dinus Cup once again, providing a chance for high schoolers to showcase their capability in the basketball sports branch. The contest was held by the Student Activity Units (UKM) of Udinus’ Basketball Team.
The 5 on 5 competition gathered 7 teams from different high schools in Indonesia. The competition was held at Udinus Sports Center (USC) from July 19th to July 26th, 2023.
Jonathan Karel Setiawan, The Chief Organizer of Dinus Cup 2023, stated that the competition was an annual program of Udinus’ Basketball Team. In 2023, the competition was participated by some high schools, three of them were Terang Bangsa High School, Theresiana High School, and Karangturi High School.
“We are pleased to see the incredible performance from the participant teams. After 2 years of being suspended due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, we are finally able to hold Dinus Cup again,” Continued Jonathan.
The competition also invited Muhammad Arighi, a professional basketball player from the Indonesian Basketball League (IBL). Interviewed after the event, Arighi admitted that he was pleased for getting the opportunity to attend the basketball competition. Before reaching the final round, an exhibition game took place between Arighi who teamed up with the alumni of the Udinus basketball team against the All-Star Dinus Cup 2023.
“Thank you UKM of Udinus’ Basketball team for the excitement. I am happy that I could do research-sharing while having fun as well. Hopefully, this kind of competition can keep continuing and emerging great young players,” said Arighi.
Kepala Biro Kemahasiswaan, Dr. Rindra Yusianto S.Kom, M.T., berharap dengan ajang ini Udinus dapat mencetak bibit-bibit atlet bola basket yang berkualitas. Bersama meraih prestasi hingga di kancah nasional hingga internasional. “Udinus dengan senang hati memberikan dukungan kepada atlet muda berprestasi Indonesia melalui program beasiswa pendidikan,” tutupnya. (Humas Udinus/Ika. Foto: Dok. Kemahasiswaan Udinus)